Divide decimal to octal by 8 to get the remainder.
For example, 562 1 is converted to octal.
8|562 1
702-5 First place (unit)
87-6 second place
10-7 third place
1-2 fourth place
The final octal number: 127658.
The following is written according to the above rules:
# contains "stdio.h"
void main()
int a,b,c,d,i=0,j,num = 0;
Printf ("Please enter a decimal number: \ t");
scanf("%d ",& ampa); //Assignment is the number you enter.
b = a % 8; //Ask for the number of people.
And (! (a/8== 1)) // Stop the loop when A is divisible by 8.
i++; //every cycle I plus 1.
a = a/8; //Divide by 8 and get the quotient at one time.
c = a % 8; //Modulus, both of which are residues.
for(j = 0; J< me; J++) // Calculate the number of digits entered.
d = c * 10; //Multiply by 10 once every period.
mun = mun+d;
mun = mun+b;
Printf ("Decimal to octal number is %d", mun);
Not necessarily right, this is the general idea, you may have to debug yourself if you have any problems!
I just learned C language, too. My QQ is QQ86573984. If you have any questions, let's discuss them together.