Is there only an operation to remove the bags under the eyes? Thank you for your questions.
1. Before operation, please let the patient's eyeball move forward, downward and upward, observe the protruding degree of the bags under the eyes, determine whether the most prominent part is the medial cellulite or the medial and lateral cellulite, and determine the amount of loose skin to be removed. 2. Make an incision. After routine disinfection, local infiltration anesthesia was performed with 2% novocaine and adrenaline, the remaining skin was cut off, and the second incision was lifted to make the skin invisible from the orbicularis oculi muscle. 3. Carefully use bipolar electrocoagulation or needle to stop bleeding. After cellulite is exposed, it is removed. At this time, we should pay attention to whether there is any bleeding point, and if there is, burn it to stop bleeding. 4. Smooth the flap, let the patient look up, check whether the amount of skin excision is moderate, and suture the orbital diaphragm and skin. After operation, the pressure was applied for 24 hours, and the stitches were removed after 5 days. Source:/