Use the system;
Use the system. Drawing;
Use the system. Drawing . Drawing2D
Use the system. Drawing. Imaging;
Use the system. Text;
Use the system. Windows . Forms
Namespace bitmaprerote
Public partial classes Form 1: Form
Public Form 1 ()
initialize component();
Public static bitmap KiRotate (bitmap bmp, floating angle, color bkColor)
int w = bmp。 Width+2;
int h = bmp。 Height+2;
Pixel format PF;
if (bkColor == Color。 Transparent)
Pf = pixel format. Format32bppArgb
pf = bmp。 Pixel format;
Bitmap tmp = new bitmap (w, h, pf);
Graph g = graph. from image(tmp);
g.clear(bk color);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, 1, 1);
graphics path path = new graphics path();
Path. AddRectangle(new RectangleF(0f,0f,w,h));
Matrix mtrx = new matrix ();
mtrx。 Rotation (angle);
RectangleF rct = path。 get bounds(mtrx);
Bitmap dst = new bitmap ((int)rct. Width, (internal) rct. Height, pf);
G = graph. from image(dst);
g.clear(bk color);
g.TranslateTransformx,-rct。 y);
G. rotation transformation (angle);
G. interpolation mode = interpolation mode. High quality bilinear;
tmp。 dispose();
Return to dst
Private void button2_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
Bitmap = new bitmap ("f: \ \ hj.jpg");
this.pictureBox 1。 SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode。 StretchImage
Map = KiRotate(map, 30, color. Pink);
pictureBox 1。 Image = map;