1, let papaya, fish, meat and fresh milk become our staple food, because it is a food rich in protein and a good breast enhancement products.
2, let oranges, grapes, grapefruit, tomatoes become the focus of supply, because foods rich in vitamin C can prevent chest deformation.
3. Let soybeans, peanuts, almonds, peach kernels, sesame seeds and millet become dietary partners, because seeds and nuts are effective natural breast enhancement products.
4. Let celery, walnuts and red kidney beans become the main vegetables, because foods rich in vitamin E are helpful for chest development.
5. Let broccoli, cauliflower and sunflower seed oil be ingested at any time, because foods containing vitamin A are beneficial to hormone secretion.
6. In addition, it is recommended to take Polly Nutrients again, one day 1-2 bags, and you can feel obvious changes in one month without side effects.