1. Adjust the mold: check whether there is any problem with the mold, such as whether the mold is worn and deformed, resulting in uneven pressure. If so, the mold needs to be repaired or replaced.
2. Increase the material thickness: If the material is too thin, you can try to increase the material thickness to increase the strength and durability of the badge.
3. Adjust the temperature and pressure: If the temperature is too high or the pressure is too high, you can try to lower the temperature or pressure to avoid badge deformation or corner explosion.
4. Redesign the badge: If the design is unreasonable, you can try to redesign the badge to avoid problems such as corner explosion.
5. Check the equipment and process: check whether there is any problem with the equipment and process, such as whether the equipment is faulty and whether the process parameters are correct. If so, it is necessary to repair or replace the equipment and adjust the process parameters.