struct students Bao = { };
printf("%d,%s\n ",,Bao . name); //The output is 4224528, which is empty (it should be null).
//structstudentsbao={3," 123 " }; Of course. The first distribution method
//strcpy(," Bao "); //Yes,
//printf("%d,%s\n ",,Bao . name);
//Bao . name = " Bao "; Error "stray'\35 1'inprogram" others are garbled.
//Bao . name[0]= ' a ';
//Bao . name[0]= '/0 ';
//printf("%d,%s\n ",,Bao . name);
/* That will do, */
//char arr[ 10]= " baobao ";
////Bao . name = arr; //Error "AssignmentToExpressionWithrayType"
//scanf("%s ",Bao . name); //Yes,
//printf("%d,%s\n ",,Bao . name);
//So you can use a function like scanf.
//and the memcpy function is also possible.
Extended data
Direct assignment of structural array and calculation of array length in C language;
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
//Customize the structure of a string, including two variables: string and string length.
charch[ 100];
Intlength// Length of character array (string)
} myStr
//When variables are declared for the first time, the string length of each variable is 0.
//Take an array of length 10 as an example. The array length is 1000.
//At the same time, assign 0 to the length of the 0 th to 9 th structure arrays.
myStrmyStr 1[ 10]={
. Length =0,
for(I = 0; I< 10; i++){
Printf("%d\n ",myStr 1[i]. Length);