However, due to the future stability involved, general orthodontics has little change in the width of dental arch. Even in some adolescent cases, rapid maxillary expansion may be used to correct the narrow maxillary arch, but it should not have much impact on the width of the face. People with Chinese characters face mainly have a relatively horizontal growth and development direction of mandible, which leads to a relatively square structure of mandible and a relatively developed masticatory muscles. Therefore, if you want to become a melon face, I am afraid you have to go to a formal plastic surgery institution to achieve your goal.
Most people think that the face changes of children after orthodontics are greater than those of adults, but the main reason is growth and development. Even if teenagers don't accept orthodontics, they will change their appearance because of the growth and development of bones and soft tissues. But in the meantime, the dentist can use functional appliances or extraoral devices to change the direction and degree of jaw growth, so as to change his face.