Zhang Zi scratched his head, noncommittally, so he called his men to discuss. Some people say it should be given to Dong Zhuo. It is the duty to appease him. Besides, if you don't give Sun Jian tens of thousands of troops, you will rob him. Might as well do him a favor.
Someone said why? He is the Changsha prefect of Sun Jian, and he gave you the order of Nanyang prefect, so you can't lose this man. Besides, Dong Zhuo is, after all, the prime minister, the people represent the court, and Sun Jian is the anti-thief. Don't forget, Gong Ming, Dong Zhuo gave you this satrap. Sun Jian can levy grain if he wants, and he is required to bring court documents.
The opposition gained the upper hand: Sorry, brother Wen Tai, my feet hurt these two days, so it's not convenient for me to work. I will put it off for a few days.
Sun Jian is very generous. Oh, my brother is ill. I specially sent you a gift of Niujiu. Please accept it. Never mentioned the issue of rations.
Zhang Zi is a little embarrassed. According to the truth, the host should greet the guests when they come to the door. Because of the canteen, it is impolite to hide yourself. At present, people send gifts to themselves from one customer to another. According to the rules of the ancients, after receiving a gift, you must return it at home, otherwise it is impolite. That year, yang hu gave Confucius a gift. Although Confucius hated yang hu, he had to leave the gift at home.
Zhang Zi came to the military camp in Sun Jian with a gift. Sun Jian was very happy. He took Zhang Zi's left brother and kissed him again, making Zhang Zi limp and numb. Sun Jian let people put down the banquet and both sides raised their glasses. After a while, Zhang Zi's eyes were straight and his tongue was hard.
Sun Jian made a wink, Changsha main book went to the lobby and said to Sun Jian. Some time ago, we gave the official document to Nanyang, asking them to build roads and prepare rations. As a result, Nanyang has not prepared anything. Please ask Gong Ming to arrest Nanyang Master Book for questioning! ?
Sun Jian squints and asks, Why bother?
Zhang Zi suddenly woke up with wine and secretly complained, Son of Tortoise, Hongmen Banquet! Well, where is the toilet? Why did you follow me to the bathroom? Well, it's too stuffy in the big tent. Let's get some air ... what, it's sunny outside, so we can't let it out?
Zhang Zi was sweating like a pig, and Sun Jian binged: Don't worry, don't worry, drink more bottles while there is still time, there are not many opportunities!
Soon, the Nanyang master book stumbled in. Before kneeling on the case, he didn't even dare to lift his head and stammered: It's not that I don't want to prepare. It was really Zhang Taishou who refused to do it, deliberately blocked the rebels and secretly helped Dong thief! ?
Zhang Zi trembled with anger. There is no doubt that his master book surrendered to Sun Jian. Sun Jian looked calm: Well, according to the law, how should this matter be handled?
The main book gritted its teeth:? Zhang Zi should be dealt with according to military law! ?
Sun Jian's face suddenly sank down: then handle it according to military law, push it out and cut it down, and make it public. If they don't carry out the orders, Nanyang officials will be sent to get together with Zhang Zi!
Zhang Zi, Zhang Zi, don't you know that Confucius rewarded yang hu and chose the day when yang hu was not at home? Why not be flexible?
This story, recorded in another historical material, Wu Li, is slightly different: Sun Jian learned that Zhang Zi refused to cooperate and came to meet him, and he played a practical joke.
One day, an amazing news came from the army. Sun Jian is ill and can't get out of bed. In order to make the tricks look a bit like this, in the Sun Jian camp, all kinds of imperial doctors came in and out, wizards were deified, and ghosts were chased everywhere for sacrifice. The whole army knew that General Sun was dying, and people were in a panic.
For such a large-scale collective performance, Zhang Zi fell into a trap. A few days later, Sun Jian sent relatives to find Zhang Zi, crying and saying, Our little grandson is dying, and we have been arranging a funeral these days. What he is most worried about is the crusade against Dong Zhuo. After much reasoning, he decided to hand over the army to you, hoping that you could fulfill his wish for him.
It is said that we should be careful of pies falling from the sky, but how many people are not tempted by the huge temptation to smash a big bag? So is Zhang Zi. He took 500 or 600 Qin Bing and took the bait carefully.
As a result, when Zhang Zi entered the camp, he saw Sun Jian, who fainted, and his defensive heart disappeared immediately. Sun Jian took two people alone? Handover work? Machine, personally killed Zhang Zi.
No matter which is a historical fact, the result is the same. After Zhang Zi was killed, Nanyang officials, according to Sun Jian's instructions, collectively knelt down to prepare military supplies for him.
Different positions: in? Ask Dong? Their positions on this issue are contradictory.
On the issue of crusade against Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian stood firm. He is the most outstanding of the 18 th Route Governors. This is related to Sun Jian's growing experience. He once followed Wen as Sima, and from another department, Zhang Wen was very kind to him.
Before Dong Zhuo came to power, he was arrogant and rude to Zhang Wen. Sun Jian suggested that Zhang Wen kill Dong Zhuo at that time, which made Dong Zhuo jealous. Later, Zhang Wen was afraid that Sun Jian would be persecuted by Dong Zhuo and let him take up a local post, so Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo had a grudge.
On the other hand, Zhang Zi is a victim of partisan strife. After Dong Zhuo came to power, in order to win over the gentry group, he promoted and appointed all the scholars who suffered from the disaster of the same party. At that time, most scholars took a cooperative attitude, and a few refused to be officials. Therefore, Zhang Zi is not necessarily grateful to Dong Zhuo.
But he didn't show discord with Dong Zhuo, and he was ambiguous on the issue of seeking Dong, which is probably a very important reason for Sun Jian to get rid of him.