Dashes (dashes), hyphens (hyphens), parentheses (parentheses), brackets (parentheses? ), braces (brackets),? Apostrophe (apostrophe; ? Omitting symbols; ? Possessive symbol), quotation marks (quotation marks) and ellipsis (ellipsis).
Chinese has 17 punctuation marks.
Punctuation marks are divided into two categories: dot and label. Points indicate pauses of different lengths in spoken language, and labels indicate the nature or function of words in written language. (Note: Special symbols in special fields such as mathematical symbols, currency symbols, collating symbols, dictionary symbols and phonetic symbols are not punctuation marks. )
Point: period (. ), question mark (? ), exclamation point (! ), comma (,), pause (,), semicolon (; ) and colon (:).
Tags: quotation marks (""), brackets [()] {}], dashes (—), ellipses (...), bullets (...), titles (""), intervals () and hyphens (——).