The whole word group is as follows;
neat [? gōng? zhěng? ], finishing [? zhěng? lǐ? ], the whole [? zhěng? gè? ], rectify [? zhěng? dùn? ]?
adjust [? tiáo? zhěng? ], the whole [? zhěng? tǐ? ], integration [? zhěng? hé? ] and complete [? wán? zhěng? ]?
remediation [? zhěng? zhì? ], rectification [? zhěng? gǎi? ], all day [? zhěng? tiān? ], plastic surgery [? zhěng? xíng? ]?
plastic surgery [? zhěng? róng? ], the whole [? zhěng? zhěng? ], neat [? zhěng? jié? ], neat [? zhěng? qí? ],
integer [? zhěng? shù? ], flat [? píng? zhěng? ], the whole set [? zhěng? tào? ], the whole machine [? zhěng? jī? ]
servicing [? zhěng? bèi? ], rest [? xiū? zhěng? ], reorganization [? zhòng? zhěng? ], all day [? zhěng? rì? ]?
the whole year [? zhěng? nián? ], regular [? guī? zhěng? ], renovation [? zhěng? xiū? ], finishing [? xiū? zhěng? ]?
complete [? zhěng? zhuāng? ], the hour [? zhěng? diǎn? ], rectification [? zhěng? liú? ], trick [? zhěng? gǔ? ]
reorganize [? zhěng? biān? ], neat [? qí? zhěng? ], moving people [? zhěng? rén? ], soil preparation [? zhěng? dì? ]?
divisible [? zhěng? chú? ] purge [? zhěng? sù? ], rectification [? zhěng? fēng? ], whole body [? zhěng? shēn? ]
uniform? [? zhěng? qí? huà? yī? ], ready to go? [? zhěng? zhuāng? dài? fā? ],
Have a rest? [? hào? zhěng? yǐ? xiá? ], regroup? [? chóng? zhěng? qí? gǔ? ]