These are the most basic data types and belong to the most basic elements of a language. I suggest you find the basic data to see the best. For example, the variable defined by the int keyword is actually a number ranging from -32768 to 32767. Here is a brief introduction to the basic data types in C#:
Boolean system. Boolean algebra system
4-byte 32-bit Boolean variable logical value true or false default value false
Byte system. byte
1Byte 8bit unsigned integer unsigned byte storage value range 0~255 Default value 0.
Sbyte system SByte 1 byte
8-8 bit signed integer signed byte storage value range-128~ 127 The default value is 0.
Charging system. tea
2 bytes 16-bit unsigned Unicode character default value' \0'
Decimal system decimal
16 bytes 128-bit decimal number follows the rounding rule. Decimal number 28 is usually used to calculate the default value of 0.0m in finance.
Double system. double;twofold
The default value of 8-byte 64-bit double-precision floating-point type is 0.0d
Floating system. single
The default value of 4-byte 32-bit single-precision floating-point type is 0.0f
Int system. Int32
4-byte 32-bit signed integer default value 0
Uint system UInt32
4-byte 32-bit unsigned integer default value 0
Long system. Int64
8-byte 64-bit signed integer default value 0
Ulong system UInt64
8-byte 64-bit unsigned integer default value 0
Object system. target
Pointing to the class instance reference default value null
Short system. Int 16
2 bytes 16-bit signed integer Default value is 0.
Ushort system UInt 16
2 bytes 16-bit unsigned integer Default value is 0.
String system. line
Pointing to string object reference default value null