printf("\n\nPlease enter the increased value:?");
scanf(" %d",&n);
if(count+1 { a[count++]=n; printf("\nAdded successfully"); getch(); return;? } else else { printf("\nThe number of arrays has reached the maximum"); getch(); return; } } void?del() { int?n; printf("\n\nPlease enter the value to be deleted:?"); scanf("%d",&n); int?i,j=0 ; for(i=0;i { if(a[i]==n) for(j=i;j { a[j]=a[j+1] ; } count--; printf("\nDelete successfully"); getch(); return; break; } } printf("\nThe value to be deleted was not found "); getch(); return; } void?sort() { int?i,j,n; for(i=0;i { { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { n=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1 ]=n; } } } printf("\n\nSorting successful"); getch(); } void?find() { int?i,n;< /p> printf("\n\nPlease enter the value you are looking for:?"); scanf("%d",&n); for( i=0;i { if(a[i]==n) { printf("\n\nFound,? The subscript is: %d",i); getch(); return; }< /p> } printf("\n\nNot found"); getch(); } { printf("\n\n"); int?i; for(i=0;i { printf("%2d?",a[i]); }< /p> printf("\n\n***There are %d elements",count); getch(); return; } void?menu() { int?sel; while(1) { system("cls"); printf("1---------increase\n");? printf("3---------Sort\n"); printf("4---------Search\n"); printf("5---------Display\n");< /p> printf("6---------Exit\n"); printf("\n\nPlease select (1--6):?" ); scanf("%d",&sel); if(sel<0?||?sel>6) { continue; } switch(sel) { case?1: append(); break; case?2: del(); break; sort(); break; case?4: find(); break; case?5: display(); break; case?6:< /p> return; } } } int?main() { srand((unsigned)time(0)); int?i; printf("Define how many elements the array has (not Greater than 50):?"); scanf("%d",&count); for(i=0;i { a[i]=rand()%99+1; } menu(); return? 0; }