I don't think the only feeling is that many staff members have a bad attitude. I said that I had a 285-yuan physical examination a few days ago, and I really felt that there was no formal queue or something. No matter which physical examination department I go to, the doctor just looks around and shows up for a minute, and the result is still disgusting. I asked when the results would come out, and she said that I would go and ask for the results on the fourth day. She said Saturday and Sunday should be excluded. I can count, so it will take a few days. I asked why you didn't tell me when I came over. Saturday and Sunday didn't count. She said there is no work on Saturday and Sunday now. I completely fainted.
Regular hospitals certainly have their capital for survival and development, but should any unit really change its attitude and invite some patients to see a doctor, hoping to get comfort and understanding instead of supercilious eyes and disgust, and sincerely appeal to the staff in hospitals, bus stations, railway stations and supermarkets to be amiable and approachable, and some smiles are the best way of communication (* _ *).