Chapter one trauma
First, the basic concept of trauma
Second, the pathological process of trauma
Third, the basic technology of trauma treatment
Chapter II Burn, Electric Injury, Frostbite and Bite
Section 1 Combustion
Second power saving damage
The third quarter frostbite
The fourth quarter bite
First of all, human and animal bites
Second, poisonous snake bites.
Third, bee stings.
Fourth, centipede bites
Verb (abbreviation of verb) scorpion sting
Six, poisonous spider bites
Seven, grasshopper bite
Eight, rabies
Chapter III Body Fluid Balance of Surgical Patients
First of all, water saving and normal electrolyte metabolism.
I. Composition and distribution of body fluids
Second, the normal metabolism and balance of water and electrolyte.
Second water saving and electrolyte disorder and its correction
I. Unbalanced production capacity
Second, the concentration is unbalanced.
Three-component imbalance
Section 3 Normal acid-base balance
I. Concept
Second, the regulation of normal acid-base balance
3. Normal value of blood acid-base balance and its clinical significance
The fourth quarter acid-base imbalance and its correction
I. Metabolic acidosis
Second, metabolic alkalosis.
Third, respiratory acidosis.
Fourth, respiratory alkalosis.
Five, mixed acid-base balance disorder
Chapter IV Surgical Shock
Section 1 Overview
I. Pathophysiology
Second, diagnosis.
Third, special monitoring.
Fourth, treatment.
Section 2 Hemorrhagic shock
The third quarter traumatic shock
The fourth quarter septic shock
Chapter V Multiple Organ Failure
Chapter VI Restoration
Section 1 Preliminary Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
First, the judgment of breathing and cardiac arrest
Second, respiratory resuscitation
Third, cardiac resuscitation
Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
I. rehydration channel
Second, airway management.
Third, a stable cycle.
Section III Observation on Recovery Effect
The fourth quarter after rehabilitation treatment
First, brain resuscitation
Second, the prevention and treatment of lung failure
Third, protect renal function.
Chapter VII Surgical Blood Transfusion
Section 1 Blood Composition and Clinical Application
First, whole blood
Second, red blood cells
Third, plasma
Fourthly, human serum albumin.
Five, plasma protein solution
Immutable verb gamma globulin
Seven. Fibrinogen
Blood transfusion methods in the second quarter
First, intravenous blood transfusion
Second, arterial blood transfusion
Third, autologous blood transfusion.
Four, blood dilution method
Matters needing attention in blood transfusion in the third quarter
Section 4 Adverse Reaction of Blood Transfusion
First, allow the transfusion to continue.
Second, the reaction of emergency stop blood transfusion
Third, infectious diseases caused by blood transfusion.
Four. immunosuppression
Five, the side effects of massive blood transfusion
Section 5 Judgment of Blood Transfusion Degree
First, pulse and blood pressure
Urine volume
Third, central venous pressure.
Four, intraoperative blood loss monitoring
Five, blood type and blood type identification
Chapter VIII Nutritional Support for Surgical Patients
Section 1 Nutritional Status Assessment
First of all, the medical history part
Second, the detection part
Three. Determination of nitrogen balance
Section 2 Determination of Nutritional Status
I. Malnutrition in protein
Second, protein lacks energy and nutrition.
Third, mixed malnutrition.
Section III Nutritional Requirements
Section 4 Nutrition Support Methods
I. Parenteral nutrition
Second, enteral nutrition.
Third, the choice of nutritional support programs.
Chapter IX Perioperative Period
Section 1 Perioperative Management of General Surgery
First, preparation before operation
Second, the treatment in the operation
Third, postoperative treatment.
Section 2 Perioperative Management of Special Patients
Perioperative management of a shock patient
Second, the perioperative management of cardiovascular patients
Perioperative management of patients with pulmonary insufficiency
Four. Perioperative management of diabetic patients
Section III Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Complications
First, postoperative bleeding
Second, the incision complications
Third, pulmonary complications.
Fourthly, urinary tract infection.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs
Chapter 10 Surgical Infection
Section 1 pyogenic infection of skin and soft tissue
Furuncle and furuncle
Second, carbuncle
Third, acute cellulitis.
Four, neonatal subcutaneous gangrene
Verb (abbreviation of verb) erysipelas
Six, acute lymphangitis
Seven, acute lymphadenitis
Eight, abscess
Section 2 Hand infection
First, paronychia
Second, finger suppurative inflammation
Third, suppurative tenosynovitis
Fourth, palm space infection.
Section 3 Systemic suppurative infection
The fourth quarter anaerobic infection
First, there is no spore anaerobic infection.
Second, necrotizing fasciitis
Third, tetanus.
Fourth, gas gangrene
Section 5 Candida infection in surgical patients
Chapter II XI Body Surface and Soft Tissue Tumors
Section 1 Common Tumors on Body Surface
I. moles
Second, melanoma.
Third, dermoid cyst
Four. epidermoid cyst
Section 2 Common Soft Tissue Tumors
I. Lipoma
Secondly, liposarcoma.
Third, fibroma.
Four. fibrosarcoma
V neurofibromatosis and neurofibromatosis
Six, neurofibrosarcoma
Seven, neurilemmoma
Eight, malignant neurilemmoma
Nine, hemangioma
Chapter XII Organ Transplant Surgery
Section 1 Introduction
I. Definition
Second, transplantation antigen and rejection
Third, commonly used immunosuppressive drugs
Section II Liver Transplantation
I. signs
Second, donors
Third, the receptor
Section III Pancreatic Transplantation
I. signs
Second, the transplantation technology
Third, refuse
Parathyroid gland transplantation in the fourth section
I. signs
Second, the way.
Section 5 Spleen transplantation
Section 6 Small bowel transplantation
Chapter XIII Neck Diseases
The first section neck injury
First, the neck vascular injury
Second, thoracic duct injury
Third, cervical nerve injury.
Section 2 Neck Infection
First, cellulitis of the floor of the mouth
Second, cervical lymph node tuberculosis
Section 3 Congenital Diseases of the Neck
I. thyroglossal duct cyst and fistula
Second, branchial cleft cyst (fistula)
Three, the neck cystic hydroma
The fourth section of the neck mass
I. Carotid body tumor
Second, cervical neurilemmoma
Three, cervical lymph node enlargement
Chapter XIV Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases
Section 1 Simple goiter
Section 2 Hyperthyroidism
Section III Thyroid Inflammation
First, acute suppurative thyroiditis
Second, subacute thyroiditis.
Three. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
Fourth, chronic fibrous thyroiditis.
Section 4 Thyroid Tumors
First, thyroid adenoma
Second, thyroid cancer.
Hyperparathyroidism in the fifth section
I. Primary hyperparathyroidism
Second, secondary hyperparathyroidism.
Section VI Hypoparathyroidism
Chapter 15 Breast Diseases
Section 1 Breast Malformation
First of all, many nipples and breasts
Second, male breast dysplasia
Mastitis in the second quarter
First, acute mastitis
Second, breast tuberculosis.
Third, breast fat necrosis.
Fourthly, mammary duct dilatation.
Section 3 Breast Hyperplasia Diseases
Section 4 Benign Breast Tumors
First, milk retention cyst
Second, breast lipoma
Third, simple breast cyst
Fourthly, breast fibroadenoma.
V intraductal or cystic papilloma
Section 5 Breast Malignant Tumors
First, breast cancer
Eczematous breast cancer
Third, inflammatory breast cancer.
Fourth, male breast cancer.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) occult breast cancer
Section 6 Breast Sarcoma
First, fibrosarcoma of the breast
Second, breast malignant lymphosarcoma
Three, breast angiosarcoma
Section 7 nipple discharge
Chapter 16 Abdominal Hernia
First abdominal hernia
First, inguinal hernia
Second, femoral hernia
Third, abdominal incisional hernia
Fourth, umbilical hernia
Five, white line hernia
Sixth, semilunar hernia
Seven, lumbar hernia
Eight, pelvic hernia
Nine, colostomy hernia
Second segment intra-abdominal hernia
I. hiatal hernia
Second, recess hernia.
Chapter 17 Diseases of Peritoneum, Omentum and Retroperitoneal Space
Section 1 Acute peritonitis
First, secondary peritonitis
Second, primary peritonitis.
Section 2 Tuberculous Peritonitis
Section III Abdominal Abscess
First, subphrenic abscess
Second, abscess between intestinal loops.
Third, pelvic abscess
Section 4 Primary peritoneal tumor
I. Pseudomyxoma peritoneum
Second, peritoneal mesothelioma
Section 5 Omental diseases
First, the greater omentum is twisted
Second, omental cyst
Third, greater omentum adhesion syndrome
Attachment: Clinical application of greater omentum
Section 6 Mesenteric diseases
I. Mesenteric cysts and tumors
Second, mesenteric artery embolism
Third, mesenteric venous thrombosis
Section 7 Retroperitoneal diseases
First, retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Second, retroperitoneal infection.
Third, iliac fossa abscess
Fourthly, retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) primary retroperitoneal tumor
Chapter 18 Gastroduodenal Diseases
Section 1 Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
First, the anatomy and physiology of the stomach.
Second, the anatomy and physiology of the duodenum.
The second quarter cardia disease
First, achalasia of cardia
Second, cardiac cancer.
Third, gastric cardia mucosa laceration.
Section III Surgical Treatment of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer
First, indications for surgical treatment.
Second, the basis of surgical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers
Third, the mode of operation.
Four, the basic requirements of surgical technique operation
Five, postoperative complications of gastroduodenal ulcer
Six, gastric and duodenal ulcer scar pyloric obstruction
Seven, gastric and duodenal ulcer bleeding
Eight, acute perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcer
The fourth quarter stress ulcer
Section 5 Acute gastric dilatation
The sixth quarter stomach torsion
Section 7 Gastric neoplasms
First, gastric polyps
Second, gastric benign tumor
Third, gastric sarcoma.
Fourth, gastric cancer.
Section 8 Tuberculosis of Stomach and Duodenal Tract
First, gastric tuberculosis
Second, duodenal tuberculosis
Section 9 Foreign bodies in stomach and duodenum
First, swallow foreign bodies.
Second, gastrolithiasis
Section 10 Gastric and duodenal diverticulum
First, gastric diverticulum
Second, duodenal diverticulum
Section 1 1 duodenal vascular compression syndrome
Injury of stomach and duodenum in section 12
I. Traumatic gastric injury
Second, the harm of chemicals to the stomach.
Third, duodenal injury.
Attachment: Surgical treatment of obesity
Chapter 19 Small Intestinal Diseases
The first small intestinal obstruction
I. Introduction
Second, adhesive intestinal obstruction
Third, intussusception.
Fourth, volvulus.
Five, intestinal obstruction
Section II Mesenteric Vascular Ischemic Diseases
The third quarter enteritis disease
First, segmental enteritis
Second, acute hemorrhagic enteritis
Third, pseudomembranous enteritis.
Fourth, intestinal tuberculosis
Five, intestinal typhoid perforation
The fourth quarter small intestinal diverticulosis
Diverticulum of jejunum and ileum
Section 5 Congenital and Deformed Small Intestinal Diseases
First, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Second, congenital intestinal atresia and intestinal stenosis
3. Congenital abnormal intestinal rotation
Section 6 Intestinal Fistula
Section 7 small intestine tumor
Section 8 black spot polyp syndrome
Section 9 Intestinal gas cyst
Section 10 blind ring syndrome
Section 1 1 short bowel syndrome
Chapter 20 Diseases of Colon, Rectal and Anal Canal
Section 1 Examination methods and preoperative and postoperative treatment of anorectal diseases
First, anorectal examination methods
Second, the treatment of anorectal diseases before and after operation
Attachment: total gastrointestinal lavage
Injury of colon, rectum and anal canal in the second quarter
First, colon injury
Second, rectal and anal canal injuries
Section 3 Inflammatory diseases of large intestine
First, ulcerative colitis
Second, colonic diverticulitis.
Crohn's disease of colon
Four. Ischemic colitis
Torsion of colon in the fourth quarter
Section 5 Polyps of large intestine and familial polyposis of colon
First, colorectal adenoma
Second, familial colorectal polyposis
Section 6 Colonic obstruction
Section 7 Anorectal Perirectal Abscess
Section 8 Anal Fistula
Section 9 Anal fissure
Section 10 Hemorrhoids
First, internal hemorrhoids
Second, external hemorrhoids
Rectal prolapse of the first 1 1 segment
Section 12 anal incontinence
Section 13 constipation at the exit
I. Prorectocele
Second, rectal intussusception
Third, puborectalis syndrome.
Fourth, perineal descent syndrome.
Five, isolated rectal ulcer syndrome
Section 14 Congenital Anorectal Malformation
Section 15 anal pruritus
Section 16 anorectal and colorectal diseases
The first and fourth venereal diseases
Second, rectal gonorrhea.
Third, syphilis proctitis.
Four, anal condyloma acuminatum
Section 17 colorectal cancer
Section 18 anal canal carcinoma
Attachment: enterostomy and nursing care
Chapter 21 Appendiceal Diseases
The first section appendicitis
First, acute appendicitis
Second, chronic appendicitis.
Third, acute appendicitis in children
Fourth, acute appendicitis in the elderly.
Five, acute appendicitis in pregnancy
Six, ectopic acute appendicitis
Section 2 Appendiceal Tumor
First, mucocele of the appendix
Second, the appendix carcinoid
Third, adenocarcinoma of the appendix
Chapter 21 Liver disease
Section 1 Benign tumor of liver
First, cavernous hemangioma of the liver
Second, hepatic adenoma.
Section 2 Malignant tumor of liver
First, primary liver cancer
Second, secondary liver cancer.
Hepatic cyst in the third quarter
The fourth quarter liver infection
First, bacterial liver abscess
Second, amebic liver abscess
Third, liver tuberculosis.
Section 5 Hepatic parasitic diseases
First, liver echinococcosis
Second, clonorchiasis
Section 6 Liver injury
Chapter 23 Portal Hypertension
Section 1 Portal Hypertension
Section 2 Hepatic vein occlusion syndrome
Section III Extrahepatic Portal Vein Thrombosis
Section 4 Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome
Section 5 Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Section 6 Surgical Treatment of Refractory Ascites
Chapter XXIV Biliary Tract Diseases
Section 1 Gallbladder Stones
Section 2 Acute cholecystitis
Section 3 Chronic Cholecystitis and Gallbladder Protrusive Lesions
I. Chronic calculous cholecystitis
Second, chronic acalculous cholecystitis.
Third, gallbladder cholestasis.
Fourth, gallbladder adenomyosis
Five, gallbladder polyps
Oddi sphincter stenosis and Watt's mastoiditis stenosis in the fourth quarter
Section 5 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Section 6 Primary Bile Duct Stones
First, intrahepatic bile duct stones
Second, inflammatory hepatobiliary stricture
Third, residual stones in bile duct after operation
Section 7 Biliary Parasitic Diseases
First, biliary ascariasis
Second, biliary ginger disease
Section 8 Acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis
Section 9 Biliary duct tumor
First of all, gallbladder cancer
Second, cholangiocarcinoma.
Section 10 biliary bleeding
Section 11 Congenital Biliary Diseases
First, congenital biliary atresia
Second, congenital choledochal cyst
Section 12 Non-operative Biliary Drainage
Chapter 25 Pancreatic diseases
Section 1 Congenital Pancreatic Diseases
I. Ectopic pancreas
Second, the annular pancreas
Third, pancreatic separation.
Pancreatic injury in the second quarter
Section III Acute Pancreatitis
First, acute simple and edematous pancreatitis
Second, acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis
Three. Acute biliary pancreatitis
The fourth quarter chronic pancreatitis
Section 5 pancreatic cyst
Section 6 Pancreatic Abscess
Section 7 External pancreatic fistula
Section 8 Pancreatic Ascites
Section 9 Pancreatic cancer
Section 10 watt periampullary carcinoma
Section 11 Pancreatic cystadenoma Pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma
Section 12 pancreatic endocrine tumor
I. Overview of pancreatic endocrine tumors
Second, insulinoma
Third, Zolinger-Ellison syndrome.
Fourth, glucagon tumor.
V. Gastrointestinal peptide tumor
Sixth, inhibit tumor growth
Seven, pancreatic polypeptide tumor
Eight, pancreatic carcinoid
Chapter 26 Pteris leafless
Section 1 Indications of Splenectomy
Spleen rupture in the second quarter
Section III Splenic Tumors
Primary benign tumor of spleen
Second, primary splenic malignant tumor.
Chapter 27 Peripheral vascular diseases
Section 1 vascular injury
Acute arterial embolism in the second quarter
The third section arteriosclerosis obliterans
Section 4 Takayasu's arteritis
Aneurysm of the fifth segment
First, abdominal aortic aneurysm
Second, the carotid aneurysm.
Three, limb aneurysm
Section 6 Thromboangiitis obliterans
Section 7 arteriovenous fistula
I. Traumatic arteriovenous fistula
Second, congenital arteriovenous fistula
Section 8 Raynaud syndrome
Section 9 Simple varicose veins of lower limbs
Section 10 Primary deep venous valve insufficiency of lower limbs
Section 11 Deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs
Section 12 Thoracic outlet syndrome
Attachment: Lymphatic system diseases
Chapter 28 Abdominal trauma
Section 1 Diagnosis of Abdominal Trauma
Section 2 Principles of Treatment of Abdominal Trauma
first aid
Second, surgical treatment.
Section 3 Treatment of Organ Trauma
The first is abdominal trauma.
Second, liver injury.
Third, extrahepatic bile duct injury.
Fourth, spleen trauma.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) gastric trauma
Six, duodenal trauma
Seven, pancreatic trauma
Eight, small intestine and mesentery trauma
Nine, colon and rectum trauma
X retroperitoneal hematoma and vascular trauma
Section 4 Complications and Treatment
Chapter XXIX Abdominal Surgical Diseases in Children
Section 1 Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
The second quarter meconium peritonitis
The third quarter acute intussusception in children
The fourth quarter Hirschsprung's disease
Fifth omphalocele
Section 6 Rectal Polyps in Children
Chapter 30 Laparoscopic surgery
Section 1 Overview of Video Laparoscopic Surgery Equipment
First, the laparoscopic video surveillance system
Second, CO2 pneumoperitoneum system
Third, the instrument system
Section 2 Requirements for Laparoscopic Surgeons
Section III Basic Operation Routine of Laparoscopic Surgery
Section 4 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Section 5 Other Laparoscopic Surgery
First, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration
Second, laparoscopic appendectomy
Third, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
Fourthly, laparoscopic fenestration and drainage of congenital hepatic cyst.
Five, laparoscopic ulcer perforation repair
Six, laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy
Seven, laparoscopic intestinal resection and anastomosis
Chapter 31 Application of Gastrointestinal Stapler in Surgery
The first section instrument introduction and basic operation
1.GF- 1 tubular stapler
Second, XF60/90 Stump Stapler
Section 2 General principles of application of digestive tract stapler
First, the advantages of using a stapler
Second, indications
Third, contraindications
Four, the use of stapler matters needing attention
Prevention of complications of verb (abbreviation of verb)
Section 3 Key points of organ operation
I. Proximal gastrectomy and esophagogastrostomy
Total gastrectomy and esophagojejunostomy (Roux-en-Y type)
3. Transabdominal esophagogastrostomy
Fourth, gastrectomy and type I anastomosis.
5. Gastrectomy and second-stage anastomosis.
Six, low colorectal end-to-end anastomosis
Chapter 32 Cryosurgery Technology
Section 1 Basic theory of cryosurgery
First, the mechanism of freezing lethal cells
Second, the basis of frozen cancer treatment
Section 2 Cryopreservation Methods
First, the common methods of cryotherapy
Second, the precautions of cryosurgery
Third, the advantages and disadvantages of cryosurgery
Section III Application of Cryosurgery Technology in Various Departments
I. General surgery
Second, stomatology
Three. ENT (ear-nose-throat) department
Fourth, ophthalmology.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) Gynecology
Six, dermatology
Seven, other operations
Chapter 33 Laser and General Surgery
Chapter 34 Application Technology of Medical Glue
Chapter 35 Clinical Application of Subcutaneous Implantable Liquid Storage Capsule
Chapter 36 Common Inspection Techniques in General Surgery
Section 1 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
Section 2 Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
Section III Fiberoptic Choledochoscopy Technology
Section 4 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Section 5 endoscopic sphincterotomy
Section 6 Examination of proctoscopy and sigmoidoscopy
First of all, rectal examination
Second, sigmoidoscopy
Chapter 37 Minor emergency surgery
The first section emergency minor surgery
A, phlebotomy
Second, tracheotomy
Third, cricothyroid incision
Fourth, debridement
Five, abscess incision and drainage
Six, carbuncle incision and drainage
Seven, paronychia incision and drainage
Eight, in addition to nails
Nine, thyroid hematocele drainage
Section II Minor Surgery in Outpatient Department
A, sebaceous cyst resection
Second, lipoma resection
Third, nevus resection.
Four, the body surface biopsy surgery
Five, axillary osmidrosis resection
Six, breast benign tumor resection
Seven, tendon sheath cyst resection
VIII. Circumcision
Chapter 38 Surgical Drainage
Chapter 39 Clinical Application of Antibacterials
Chapter 40 Clinical application of adrenocortical hormone
Chapter 41 Drug treatment of cancer pain
Chapter 42 Chemotherapy methods commonly used in general surgery
Appendix Common Clinical Trial Reference Values and Conversion