I have bags under my eyes since I was a child. Can you get rid of it without plastic surgery?
& ltp>a: Have you ever tried a normal routine to make your bags under your eyes smaller? If going to bed early, getting up early and exercising more can't solve the bags under the eyes, then there is only cosmetic surgery. Personally, I think you should be caused by too much fat at present Your technique is actually very simple. If you are young, you can take out the excess fat on the inside of the eyelid by cutting inside, so that the part is flat now and the bags under the eyes are gone. If you are older, you can suck out the fat by external cutting, that is, open a small mouth of 2mm below the corner of your eye. But this kind of thing, fat, is mobile. It can be done in recent years, and the effect is quite good, but it will grow in a few years. At this time, I think you can consider the fat arrangement of the fundus in Korea. It is not simply sucking out the fat, but rearranging the fat in the fundus to make it flat. This technology lasts for a long time. Interested parties can click on the picture below. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center; \ " & gt& lta href = \ "/yiyuan/ 1042/GL _ 9774 . html \ " target = \ " _ self \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/202002131563145305225.png \" title = \ "Is it possible to get rid of eye bags from an early age without plastic surgery \" alt = \ "" " 199 \ " border = \ " 0 \ " vspace = \ " 0 \ " style = \ " width:349 px; Height:199 px; \ "/>; & lt/a & gt; & lt/p & gt;