22 Flame Knife Orcs Knife Man Alpine Wetland
Orc claw alpine wetland
26 Mana Awakens the Mayflower Swordsman Mountain Wetland
Orc scouts alpine wetlands
Proficient in 30 spells, smugglers are on the coast of Thea.
Mayflower master alpine wetland
Transmission of mencia warlock alpine wetland
The smuggler's warehouse guards the alpine wetlands.
36 Moyuan Three Gorges Fisherman Alpine Wetland
West Asian sea snake alpine wetland
38 Sick Icthorn Whale Warrior Alpine Wetland
The crocodile warrior Alps wetland in Xiya Bay
40 Spells Proficient in Double-Carnivorous Demon Emperor Fanxi
The underworld guards the first floor of the holy city tomb.
42 Flame Shield Obsidian Shooter Di Fanxi
Fancy the Dark Lich King
46 Emperor Fan Xi, slave of the inferno in Yanlongyu.
Demon pioneer Di Fanxi
50 spells are proficient in the three demons of the underworld, the third floor of the holy city tomb.
Buerlentra Village, Hua Lun
Gong Fan Forest of Wild Boar on Deformable Cliff
Master Warren Bohr, Devanxi.
Barbarian village
54 elements to understand the ancient magic lizard Gong Fan forest
Tara, the savage thug.
56 Ice Shield Treasure Hunter Gong Fan Forest
Cliff gong forest
58 ice shield goblin mechanical bird Gong Fan forest
The hobgoblin knight Gong Fan forest
Proficient in 60 spells, four lizard soldiers, one sight at a time.
Forest Giant Bird Gong Fan Forest
62 endless winter, the first sight of the violent lizard man
The first floor of Giant Bird Ancient Demon Site
66 explosive inflammation, the first time I saw the knight of the boa constrictor in West Asia.
Crocodile warrior is a landscape.
Magician Markkula saw the sky.
70 days of fire and rain, the ancient goblins on the first floor guard the ancient goblin ruins.
Spells proficient in five Neptune guards.
Iceberg salamander Laiya Snow Mountain
Frostbear cub temur Laya Snow Mountain