Boys wear suits and ties. Formal dress is the mainstream dress of civil servants interviewing candidates at present. Before the exam, boys can buy a full suit, and they must try it on to fit them. There are four-piece suits for formal clothes. Shirts, suits, trousers and ties should be bought in full, and the color should be dark blue. In the choice of shoes, it is recommended to choose black leather shoes. After choosing clothes, boys must get a haircut and cut their hair short. Generally, the length of hair should not exceed the ears.
Girls also wear high heels that are being assembled. There are two kinds of formal dresses for women: pants and skirts. Tall girls can choose pants and petite girls can choose skirts. After getting dressed, it is more attractive to put on a pair of high heels. At this time, you can use high heels with middle heels to match. After matching clothes, girls should check their appearance to see if they look decent. If the hair color is too high-profile, it is recommended to dye the hair in a normal color. In the examination room, girls should tie up their hair to make themselves more energetic. At the same time, don't wear too ostentatious jewelry. It's best not to wear jewelry to make yourself look simple.