2. In ancient times, China was called a northern or western nation: Hu people. Hu Fu Hu Ji (a girl from the Western Regions). Yue Hu ("Hu" is in the north; Yue is in the south.
Generally speaking, foreign or foreign: pepper. Cucumber (cucumber) Hu Qin Hu Jia (a wind instrument of ancient northern nationalities).
Chaos and irrationality: nonsense. Nonsense. Nonsense. Nonsense.
4. Ask questions in classical Chinese, why, why: Hu Bugui? "Hu take food three hundred?"
5, the beard connected to the temple around the mouth: beard.
6. In ancient times, it refers to the drooping meat of the animal's neck: "The clumsiness of the wolf."
7. Alleys and small streets are called "Hutong (t ǐ g)" (when used as lane names, read the word "Tong" softly).
8. Last name.
9. Word combinations: beard, beard, nonsense, Hu Qin, Hu Chui, Hutong, nonsense, nonsense, pepper, walnut, random, nonsense, nonsense, carrot, daydream, importune, run amok, nonsense, nonsense. ...