The clothes of the restaurant clerk should also be standardized. Some restaurants attach great importance to the image of the clerk, and specially invite people to design clothes, striving for beauty, practicality and standardization. Work clothes can neither be as formal and luxurious as formal clothes, nor as casual as casual clothes. General requirements are neat, generous and elegant. The choice and wearing of work clothes, from color to style, need not be too conspicuous, but should be solemn, clean and tidy to show the sense of responsibility and credibility of the clerk.
The uniforms of shop assistants in different restaurants are different, and the work uniforms should have uniform requirements and cannot be modified at will. Pay attention to the neatness of the collar and cuffs, and keep the uniform as a whole. Shoes are also a part of clothing. When you wear leather shoes to work, you should clean and polish them every day. Don't wear out socks or show socks with holes in your feet. If you need to wear cloth shoes for some jobs, you should also keep them clean.
The color of male shop assistants' socks should be coordinated with the color of shoes, and black is usually the most common; A salesgirl should wear stockings similar to her skin color. Under normal circumstances, shop assistants should not wear big dresses, jeans, floor skirts, big skirts, old-fashioned cheongsam and sleeved clothes, clothes that are too exposed, sports shoes, high heels, slippers, boots, etc. with luxurious texture, bright colors and complicated styles. , except in special circumstances; It is not advisable to wear hats, cool hats, flower hats, snow hats and colored glasses; Scarves, shawls and long scarves should not be worn.
In short, dress should be coordinated with time, occasion and place. This will not only make you feel comfortable and confident, but also leave a good first impression on diners, arouse their goodwill towards you, make them happy to talk with you, and make the relationship between the two sides harmonious and friendly, otherwise it will seem out of place with this environment, or even ridiculous.