Be careful with this message. You can go to the credit information department to check the credit information and see if you have brought money or borrowed money under any circumstances. If you haven't borrowed money or borrowed money, don't pay attention to those spam messages. That kind of short message may be a liar trying to get bank card information, so be careful.
Extended data:
Seduce remittance: Criminals directly ask each other for remittance by sending short messages in groups. As the victim is preparing to remit money, after receiving such remittance fraud information, he will put the money into the liar's account without careful verification.
Credit card consumption: criminals send text messages in groups, pretend to be UnionPay Center or police, and set up a set of devices on the grounds that the victim's bank card consumption may reveal personal information, requiring the money in the bank card to be transferred to the so-called "safe account" or take the bank account number and password to commit crimes.
High-paying recruitment: criminals recruit a certain type of professionals with a high salary of tens of thousands of yuan per month through mass information, ask the victims to interview at designated places, and then commit fraud in the name of training fees, clothing fees, security deposits, etc.
Loan fraud: criminals send messages in groups, saying that they can provide loans to those who are short of funds, with low monthly interest rate and no guarantee. Once the victim believes it, the other party will commit fraud in the name of prepaid interest and deposit.
Fraud of copying mobile phone cards: criminals send messages in groups, claiming that they can copy mobile phone cards and monitor mobile phone call information. Many people take the initiative to contact the suspect because of personal needs, and then they are defrauded by the other party in the name of buying duplicate cards and prepayments.
Fraud by pretending to be the landlord: criminals send short messages pretending to be the landlord, claiming that the landlord's bank card has been changed, and demanding that the rent be credited to other designated accounts. Some tenants think they have been cheated by the transfer of rent.