This skirt opens to the left. Ancient times refers to the costumes of ethnic minorities in the east and north, indicating backwardness and uncivilized. Later, it also refers to the entry of aliens. From the Analects of Confucius, Xian Wen said, "I am a little ignorant, but I am left-handed." Yes, by "putting on"; Come on, just like "come on".
The yellow emperor made clothes and handed in the right collar. Hanfu collars of Han nationality in China are all right-handed, and the left one covers the right one. That is to say, the collar should look like the letter Y, which is the characteristic of China Han people's clothing. According to the ancient custom in China, only the dead and the nomadic minorities in the north wear left-handed trousers.
Other women's shoes are middle and high-end brands and domestic brands. Established in 2008, An Ruo Brand has become a well-known fashion retail chain brand i