The king's father lived in Zhai and attacked him at will. Things are not affected by leather and silk, things are not affected by dogs and horses, and things are not affected by pearls and jade. What Tijen wants is land. The king's father said, "I can't stand living with a man's brother and killing his brother, living with a man's father and killing his son." Encourage children to live! For me, for Di Renchen, I am different! And I heard it wasn't raised by injury. "Leave because of the employee policy. The people are connected and follow it, so it becomes a country under the Qishan Mountain. Husbands, kings and fathers can respect life. People who can respect life, although rich, do not care about their bodies, although poor, do not care about their bodies. Living in this world, those who are rewarded by high officials are scum, forgetting righteousness at the expense of profit, being light and not confused!
King Xu's father lives in Sidi, and Tijen often comes to harass him. Tijen was unwilling to accept the offerings of hides and cloth, hounds and BMW, and Tijen was still unwilling to accept the offerings of jewelry and jade. What Tijen wants is to occupy Sidi's land. The king's father said, "I can't bear to live with someone else's brother and kill his younger brother, and live with someone else's father and kill his children."
You all go and live with Tijen! What's the difference between being my subject and being Tijen's subject! Moreover, I also heard that people raised should not be hurt by medical land. "So he left the land on crutches. People on the land followed him with people and cars, so a new capital was established under Qishan. Your majesty's father can be said to value life the most. People who can cherish life will not be greedy and hurt their health even if they are rich, and will not be tired of pursuing self-interest even if they are poor. Isn't it confusing that people in high positions in the world are always worried about losing them when they see Li Lu?
The life of the character
Miyazaki Hayao, an ancient Miyazaki Hayao, was the leader of the ancient Zhou Dynasty. He is said to be the grandson of Hou Ji's 12 generation and Zhou Wenwang's grandfather. His father was an important figure who made Zhou people rich. After the king of Wu won the world, he worshipped ancient Qi Huangong for the week. In the Taiwu family tree, the ancient duke is respected as the ancestor. The Book of Songs says: "The grandson of Hou Ji is Wang Shiwei. Living in the sun is the beginning of business. " Moving to Joo Won?, which is the sun in Qishan, and starting a business as a businessman are the two greatest achievements.
When Gu's father was in power, it was the era of martial arts. He inherited Zhou Zu's legacy and continued to devote himself to land development. He is diligent in agriculture, and the land he cultivates has a good harvest. Every spring, he and his wife, Taijiang, go to the fields in person, not afraid of hard work, and work hard. During the summer rainstorm, he and young people reinforced dams and dredged rivers. Yellow leaves fall in autumn, and he leads everyone to harvest, grind and store food. It snowed heavily in winter, and he was busy visiting families and asking questions.
During the Shang Dynasty, Rong Di in the northwest repeatedly committed crimes (now Binzhou City and Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province). "The ancient duke said,' If people establish a monarch, they will benefit from it. Today, what Emperor Rong has done is to attack the war, seize my land and seize my people. What's the difference between people in me and people there? The people want to fight with me and kill their father and son. You can't bear it. " "。 To this end, "in the twenty-sixth year of Shang Xiaoyi, Gu Fu led the surname Zhou by two thousand times, and crossed Liangshan with lacquer water to Xiaqi Mountain (arrow enclosed ridge). Dogs and freemen in other places regard the ancient duke as a kind person, helping the old and bringing the young to join them. "
Qi Gong and his son built houses in the city, set up officials, reclaimed wasteland, developed agricultural production, divided people into cities to settle down, and established vassal States, which was recognized by the Shang Dynasty. "Chronology of Bamboo Books" states: "(Shang King) Wuyi moved to qi zhou in six years. I made Duke Zhou my father and gave him Qi Yi. " Because of its location, Ji's surname was called Zhou people from now on. "The name of the country is Zhou, which is the approximate prototype of the country."
Qi Gong's father gradually strengthened Zhou people and laid the foundation for Zhou people to destroy business. Ancient Qi Huangong died, and the younger son succeeded to the throne in the calendar, which was for the public season, and the people of the later Zhou Dynasty chased Wang Ji. Wang Ji's son Chang, namely. Gu's father is Gong Liu's ninth grandson. In the late Shang Dynasty, he led troops to Joo Won? (now Qishan County, Shaanxi Province) in the Weihe River Basin. The land here is fertile and rich in aquatic plants, which is suitable for crop growth. So the clan grew stronger and established the Shang Dynasty.
Major achievements
Move to Zhou
The second stage of its development was to move from Qi Gong's father to Wen Jianfeng in the first week. At this stage, the Ji clan and the Jiang clan in the early Zhou Dynasty intermarried and developed eastward, which prepared the conditions for the king of Wu to destroy the merchants. Its productivity has been further developed, and its social form has also entered the early national period from the emirate model when it retired. Other history books also contain information about this migration. According to the chronicles of bamboo books: "In the first year of Wuyi (Yin), Qian moved to Chen and said," At that time, the cloud was there and my father moved. " "Wuyi three years, ordered the Duke of Zhou to give me a gift." Great changes have taken place in the history before the Zhou Dynasty since my father moved to Qi.
My father first took a series of measures to create national civilization. Zhou Benji said that Qi Gong's father led the clan to live in the cracks. It makes the state's existence form have the dual connotations of blood relationship and regional relationship. The appointment of public officials began to break away from blood relationship and gradually formed a complex bureaucratic ruling group. The enrichment and perfection of administrative institutions constantly strengthened the operation of state power in the Zhou Dynasty. Similarly, in the ideological field, it has closely adapted to the evolution of this social composition and political order, and there has been a fusion of ancestral temple worship and family club worship, which has initially formed a set of sacrificial system that originated from the family or clan, covered the society and reached the country.
Ornament Jane Shang
After the founding of People's Republic of China (PRC), great changes have taken place in the "world". The main sign is that Zhou people broke the siege of Rongdi and gained a favorable living environment. But at this time, the threat of Emperor Rong still exists, and the strength of Zhou people is not enough to compete with the strong yin. Therefore, according to the analysis of the world situation and the needs of his own security, King Tai has formulated the basic policy of foreign policy, that is, strengthening friendly exchanges with nearby tribes, strengthening Yin in the east and resisting various armies in the west, and creating good external conditions for developing production and enhancing national strength. In order to achieve the goal of survival, the King of Thailand adopted the policy of being a minister and a merchant.
On the one hand, the father strengthened the political status of the ruling class, on the other hand, he effectively adjusted the relationship between all social strata. "Qi Gong's father's achievement lies in enriching and developing the internal strength of the Zhou tribe. By the time of his son Wang Ji and grandson Wang Wenshi, the tribes of the Zhou Dynasty began to expand outward, until King Wu finally overthrew the powerful Shang Dynasty in the East.