Of course, when choosing clothes, you must pay attention to whether the style of clothes suits your body. If it doesn't fit your figure, no matter how beautiful the clothes are, they won't look good on you. Therefore, when choosing clothes, we must try to avoid some clothes that will expose our shortcomings. For example, chubby girls should not choose strapless clothes. If they want to wear strapless clothes, they can choose a tulle coat, which will look better and will not expose their shortcomings.
The matching of clothes is also very important. Clothes are different in color, style and material. When matching, be careful not to wear too many colors on your body, so the overall feeling will be complicated. If the upper body is flowery, the lower body can be monotonous. This way can highlight the unique design of the upper body, and the overall look will have its own style.
It's really important to choose clothes that suit you. It is best to choose the style and version of clothes according to your figure, and then pay attention to the collocation of color, style and material in clothes collocation. Some matching minefields should be avoided as much as possible. Don't blindly follow the trend. It's most important to find your own dressing style slowly.