What pdf software does Pandora Photography Magazine use for editing?
According to your description, your PDF file should be made of pictures. After you convert it with conversion software, the pictures are inserted into word. Documents like yours are suggested to be handled by the following software. For PDF files made of pictures (especially scanned PDF files), it is recommended to use the following software to convert 2. 1, use CAJviewer 7.0 (full version with OCR component) with fewer pages, and support direct opening of PDF files and recognition of characters. 2.2 Those with many pages can be identified by Readiris Corporate 12 software (you need to install Asian language packs, otherwise you won't be able to identify Chinese). 2.3 If there are many pages, you can also use ABBYY finereader 9 or above (with simplified Chinese version) to identify the conversion. The recognition rate of this software is very high, and the converted layout basically remains the same. The recognition rate of the above software is ok, and it is not recommended to use any office components for recognition, which is too troublesome and the recognition rate is not high.