In mourning, farewell, memorial service and mourning hall, the portrait of the deceased should generally be placed or hung. The following questions should be paid attention to when choosing portraits:
1. Select photos close to the age of the deceased. If the deceased is over 70 years old and the age in the photo is over 20 years old, it is not solemn. Unless there are no photos close to the age of the deceased, generally choose photos close to the age of the deceased.
2. Choose photos that best reflect the identity and professional characteristics of the deceased, such as soldiers, railway workers, public security personnel, etc. , and select the photos of the above people. You should choose the most satisfactory photos of the deceased and their relatives.
Attention should also be paid to the production of portraits:
One is to enlarge it into a black photo, which is not suitable for color;
Second, the size should be moderate, and the size should be determined according to the size of the place;
The third is to prevent the welt from wrinkling during the development and drying process;
Fourth, photos should be placed in black frames;
Fifth, the portrait of comrade (Mr.) can be written below the portrait if conditions permit.