First of all, we should pay attention to the color of stockings in harmony with the color of fashion and shoes. Clothes and shoes of the same color are matched with socks of the same color, and the color of socks can be slightly lighter than that of clothes and shoes. When wearing dark clothes, you should wear slightly black stockings. When wearing medium-colored clothes, you should wear stockings close to your skin color. Please don't wear dark socks when wearing light clothes. If the shoes themselves are brightly colored, try to choose socks close to the background color of the skirt, which can be darker on the shoes; Color clothes should be matched with plain socks, stockings with broken flowers can be matched with plain clothes, and flesh-colored stockings are more harmonious with any clothes.
Secondly, it should be consistent with the style of clothes and shoes. For example, formal clothes and dresses should not be matched with fancy stockings. It is best to wear pantyhose in cheongsam or short skirt, and transparent stockings in thin skirt, which gives people a light and lively feeling. Large patterns and opaque stockings are suitable for balancing heels, while small patterns and transparent stockings are suitable for matching high heels. The more complicated the fashion style, the simpler and fresher the stockings should be.
Trimming leg defect
Women with thick legs wear dark straight thin stockings, which can make their legs slim. Any light and bright stockings are not suitable for people with thick legs.
People with short legs should wear dark unpatterned stockings, bone-backed socks (with vertical dividing lines) and plain socks. Wearing them will make the legs have an extended line beauty and make them more tangible and slender, which is an ideal choice.
Skinny legs should wear light-colored stockings, opaque stockings or bright-colored stockings with horizontal stripes or large flower patterns. It's best to wear flat shoes to make your legs feel full.
If you are tall and have beautiful legs, you may wish to choose brightly colored stockings, such as bright yellow and sky blue, which are most suitable for your beautiful legs, fishnets, flower stockings, lace stockings and stockings woven with various patterns. However, you must pay attention to no more than four colors of the whole body clothing, and pay attention to the matching with fashion and wearing occasions.
Dress occasion
Going to work: For women's clothing with busy work and occupation, you may wish to choose some solid color stockings. Silver gray, dark blue and black will show you a cool and intelligent side. Just remember the basic method of matching dark clothes with dark socks and light clothes with light socks.
Leisure: Get rid of the solemn and serious office image, put on a favorite short skirt with bare knees and a pair of translucent tights, with knitted wrinkles and mini-spots above the knees, which is most suitable for weekend outing or going out for leisure with family;
Socialization: suitable for wearing gray stockings. Wine red, black, gray and purple will make you look solemn, noble and calm. When you attend a grand event in an evening dress, a pair of skinny stockings make the elegant and generous style stand out. But when wearing these stockings, remember not to twist the back line, otherwise it will be extremely impolite.
Home: Home is the best place to express yourself. Choose a pair of sexy transparent silk stockings with lace edges, coupled with plain satin stilettos suitable for the bedroom, and let Bi Xianyu's plump legs sway in the skirt, and you will surely become the most sensible and warm woman, dumping people who love you.