English [t? Mb]\x09 \x09 America ['t? mb]\x09 \x09
A naughty girl who behaves like a boy; tomboy
Explain the statistics of ocean vocabulary in the common degree distribution map
Act like a man. ..
A tomboy is a girl who likes to wear neutral clothes. Most of them have short hair, like boys.
Simply put, a tomboy is a woman who lives and dresses like a man. As the saying goes, a man is a woman;
A tomboy means mainly wearing men's clothes, with his hair cut as short as a boy and his chest looking as flat as an airport. Anyway, people just can't tell if it's a boy or a girl at a glance.
example sentence
Used as a noun
She has always been like a tomboy, unlike her sister.
His daughter is a naughty tomboy. His daughter is a naughty tomboy.
A tomboy is a girl who likes to wear neutral clothes. Most of them are naughty girls with short hair and boyish personality. She is always like a boy, not like her sister.
Tomboy has been successful in 1 1 countries and cities, including Paris, Tokyo and new york. Nowadays, the arrival of tomboy will also set off a hurricane of challenge and creation for China women who are increasingly independent and pursuing quality of life.