"Alpha" players are all stunted, which benefits from almost harsh selection and purgatory training. "Alpha" members usually select outstanding young officers from national security organs, airborne troops, border guards and military school graduates, and their age is limited to 23 to 28 years old. Candidates must be strong and responsive. In addition, the selected candidates must pass personality tests and interviews to measure their intelligence.
Alpha's members include snipers, daring and cautious blasters, skilled radio operators and skilled decryption experts, as well as rock climbers gecko and underwater dragon frog. Every "Alpha" player can do 200 push-ups in a row, and you can remember at least the first two pages of any article once you read it. Skilled in driving all kinds of cars, planes, ships and armored tanks; Grasp fighting, rock climbing and wading, bomb shooting, skydiving and cross-country, all proficient.
Prepare AK47, AK74. Ah 102 rifle, RPG rocket, bulletproof helmet, goggles, knee pads, fire gloves.