During the period of 1947, Dior launched the first revolutionary "Corolla" series designed by him in Paris, which was a blockbuster. This kind of fashion, called "new style", has a unique female curve shape, which has changed the depressed and gloomy mood of European clothing. Later, he introduced the airfoil, the vertical line in 1950, the ellipse in 195 1, the wave curve and shadow in 1952, and the shadow in 1953. Every Dior fashion collection has become an authority on fashion, and new styles are often produced by American clothing manufacturers a few weeks after being exhibited in Paris, and quickly put into the market through wholesalers and retailers at all levels. The most outstanding thing about Dior's design method is that he has been trying to grasp the overall image of clothing design from the external modeling line, and treat the clothing modeling as a three-dimensional space modeling that can be continuously molded.