If the funds are insufficient, you can start from opening a shop online, and the online clothing market is developing very well. Now you can earn enough money online, develop physical stores and gradually expand your business.
2, first rent a small facade to open a clothing store.
In reality, rent a facade and do clothing business. Accumulate your own interpersonal resources and slowly open up your own market.
3. Start a clothing company.
I have enough money on hand or several people jointly invest to start a clothing company, including an office and my own factory. Do the clothing business.
4. Own brand.
If you have enough funds, contacts and talents, you can create a clothing brand. With own brand and management ability, I want to develop rapidly.
5. Designer.
It's impossible to do clothing business without money now, so if you have talent in fashion design, you can make money as a fashion designer first, then understand the market and prepare for future business. It will be much easier to do clothing business in the future.