At present, the manufacturers of A goods are very powerful, and the imitation of the tag is a piece of cake for them. However, imitations or imitations are very different from genuine products. For example, there are stickers on the tag just now, but the genuine price and the barcode of the goods look like a sticker, but in fact several parts are stuck together, because I just said that one barcode should be torn off after the goods are sold, and other contents should be kept. In addition, it is more troublesome to make the sticky paper into such a processing technology, so those A goods manufacturers will not do it. Their sticky paper is often made of one piece, all the prices and barcodes are made on one piece of sticky paper, and some even have only the barcode of 1, so buyers must pay attention!
In addition, the printing on the genuine sticker is obviously black, and it must be printed font. Moreover, I don't know whether it is a deliberate effect or an ink problem. There are always some ink stains on the sticker, but the font of A goods is not printed clearly, as if it were printed. In fact, it is actually a printed original with no ink on it. It looks cleaner than the real thing, but it's definitely A goods. If some hanging brands have white cloth trademarks, the printed fonts will be clearer. If the tag is hemp rope, it should not be very thick and soft to the touch. If it doesn't come up, it looks like a cotton rope, while the feeling of A goods is stiff and rough.
2. At present, the collars of some hooded jackets sold by Jack Jones' counter are big cloth like a tag. Generally, the collars sewn on clothes are sewn into a big fork with a red thread, but the A goods are not.
3. Authentic Jack &; Jones usually has no more than three colors in a style. If you see Jack &; Jones dress must be an imitation.
Jack & Jones doesn't have a uniform size, that is, FreeSize in English. It has many codes, from XS code to XL code. In addition to accessories, if there is a uniform size of clothes, there is no doubt that it is an imitation.
5. Don't trust any original documents, foreign trade original documents, Jack &; Jones basically has OEM processing plants all over the world, neither exporting nor importing, not to mention the original orders. The so-called original document (ODM) is only one letter short, but the latter is a copy of 100%.
6. Pay attention to the composition label of Jack Jones' clothes, that is, the washing label:
Pay attention to whether the name of the clothes on the label is the same as that on the tag. For example, some clothes tags do indicate the name of the clothes, but the name of the pants is on the component label of the clothes, which must be A goods. In addition, the component content on the component label will be different from the genuine counter. Many online shopping buyers will ignore these subtle places, but they are definitely important information. So before you buy clothes, you'd better go to the specialty store now, choose the styles sold at the counter and compare them with those on the Internet. Now Jack Jones's clothes are sold in many countries in the world, but the goods in each country have been completely localized. Jack Jones has his own processing plant in every country, so there is no saying that imported goods are exported.
At present, only Tianjin Lexus Clothing Co., Ltd. is the only manufacturer of Jack Jones in China.
If you see other manufacturers, it is undoubtedly A goods. Imagine how a large global company can have so many tail orders, original orders and additional orders flowing out of abnormal circulation channels. What's more, Lexus now uses I6 program to manage production, sales and circulation.
It is even more impossible to have such strict management methods!
To sum up, to judge whether Jack Jones is true or not, we should pay special attention to the following points.
1. The content on the ingredient label should be consistent with the ingredient label on the clothes, as I said just now.
2. The contents of the tag mentioned above are actually pasted with sticky paper, which means that if the clothes tag you see doesn't have these stickers or is not printed, it must be A goods.