The uniforms of the Republic of China are different. Tops are mostly light blue or white, and light-colored clothes can best show your figure. Coupled with the popularity of western culture at that time, students' minds were a little open, and school uniforms were a little unconstrained by the West, so school uniforms in the Republic of China would be more attractive. The lower part of the uniform of the Republic of China is usually a skirt, and the color is mostly black. However, the length of the skirt is conservative, generally below the knee, with a pair of small feet.
Students who were able to go to school during the Republic of China generally had a very rich family background, so the school uniforms made in the Republic of China were also extremely elegant. Today's school uniforms are mainly for better management of students, not for beauty. Nowadays, students are under such great competitive pressure, and the school will not let them focus on other places.
The school uniforms of every era have the meaning of every era. Although the school uniform of the Republic of China does look a little kind and pleasing to the eye, it is really extremely inappropriate to put it in the current school. After all, the school has made the school uniform like this, for fear that some students can't keep up with the competition in clothing, so they will be lenient, and most of the lower body pants of the school uniform are used.