Hotel Tralala Montreux. Hotel Montreux Sala.
Tralala.-What's your name?
Tralala? Rock and roll.
Bilingual example:
Is it? Children's? Play:? See? Mine? Left hand? Fingers? The strings, mine? Right? Hands? Abrasions? Leave them? Use that? Bow, then what? Out? Coming? Happy voice? Tralala. ?
This is a child's toy. Look, I press the string with my left hand and draw the bow with my right hand, and wonderful music comes out.
Tara: The place name Tara.
Grand Tara Lake? Large size.
Taragrande? Large size.
Tara water? Tarawater.
Bilingual example:
Command what? YL? Since? Autumn? 20 10, Percy Hy? Kki is? What else? That? Conductor? Yes? That? Tapiola? Choir? And then what? Two? Choir? What? Has been established? Namely EMO? Ensemble And then what? Tara? Vocal ensemble. ?
Percy. Since the autumn of 20 10, Tsui Hark has been the conductor of Helsinki Male Chorus in Finland. He is also the conductor of tapiola Chorus, Emo Orchestra and Tara Chorus, all of which he founded.