Conceptually, RFID is similar to barcode scanning. For bar code technology, it is to stick the coded bar code on the target and use a special scanning reader to transmit information from the bar code to the scanning reader by using optical signals. And RFID uses a special RFID reader and a special RFID tag that can be attached to a target, and uses frequency signals to transmit information from the RFID tag to the RFID reader.
Transponder: It consists of antenna, coupling element and chip. Generally, tags are used as repeaters. Each tag has a unique electronic code attached to the object to identify the target object.
Reader: A device consisting of an antenna, a coupling element and a chip, which is used to read (and sometimes write) tag information. It can be designed as a handheld rfid reader or a fixed reader.
Application software system: it is application-layer software, which mainly processes the collected data for human use.