What determines the price of a trademark?
Trademark name. A good brand name can quickly gain users without spending market expenses. Therefore, choosing a good brand name is also the favorite of many buyers. Since things are scarce and good trademarks are few and far between, prices will naturally rise. The price of a trademark is mostly related to its name.
Trademark category. Most of the idle trademarks in the market are 25 categories, so the natural price of 25 categories of trademarks will be lower than other categories. Generally, it is about1-30,000. The transfer of general clothing trademarks is based on the e-commerce platform. The reason why the buyer directly buys the trademark is because the trademark transfer does not require much effort and can be owned quickly.
Trademark influence. Some trademarks are well-known in other categories, so the prices of other categories will naturally rise a little. For example, "Alibaba", in addition to the categories registered by Alibaba, the price of the "Alibaba" trademark sold in the market is also higher than the average.
Degree of trademark risk. For trademark registration and trademark purchase, the risk of trademark purchase is much lower, so the price will be higher than trademark registration.
Trademark registration fee. The basic expenses of a trademark include trademark registration fee, transfer fees, notarization fee, agency service fee, etc.
Three years ago, it was a little more than 2,000 yuan. After the agent applied, * * * 3,000 yuan was settled. It may be a little more now. I don't think it will exceed 4000 yuan. Just ask the trademark agent.
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