Everyone needs to face up to such a problem. The strength of the Indian army, especially the mountain troops on the border between China and India, is not so unbearable. In terms of military armed forces, the Indian army has long invested a lot of money in the training and development of mountain strike forces. The most obvious example is that it spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of military equipment from the United States. At the same time, India has also invested a lot of money in the research and development and upgrading of local equipment, such as Ramos cruise missiles.
As for the strength, the Indian army is not as vulnerable as we thought. In addition, some soldiers, such as those in Punjab and Hyderabad, have performed extremely well in fighting capacity, and their fighting will is quite gratifying.
From this point of view, our army is not facing the leaderless army presented by the media. Unlike what we take for granted, the Indian army is actually a elite force with professional skills and good quality.