The meaning of Dongzi in the name: Dongzi was originally synonymous with orientation, referring to the direction in which the sun rises. In people's minds, the rising of the sun is the beginning of everything, which is very auspicious and lively. Therefore, the east where the sun rises is also considered as a vibrant direction. People use Dongzi as their name, which is the main meaning.
Dong Zi zi Ming da quan
Haidong, Dongsheng, Yadong, Weidong, Xiaodong, Zhendong, Dongming, Donghai, Zhidong, Donghui, Jidong, Huadong, Dongxue, Donghua, Xu Dong, Liang Dong, Dongfang, Yongdong, Wendong, Dongsheng, Dongping, Dongdong, Yudong, Dongwei, Lidong, Dongfeng, Zhengdong, Dong Bo, Dongdong.
Xu Dong, Donghua, Dongying, Dongfang, Xiangdong, Dongfang, Dongling, Yadong, Dongping, Ai Dong, Donghui, Xu Dong, Dongyan, Xiaodong, Dongyan, Haidong, Dongdong, Dongli, Donglan, Dongping, Dongming, Dong Yun, Dongqin and Dongxue. Dongfeng, Dong Xiao, Jiandong, Dongjie, Dongsheng and Lidong.