Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Clothing company - Baoding Baigou Wholesale Market produces and sells fake bags. Can these fake bags identify themselves?
Baoding Baigou Wholesale Market produces and sells fake bags. Can these fake bags identify themselves?
On March 23rd, a well-known video blogger in Weibo released Fifty Dollars! The video "Come to Baoding to Buy a Chanel" exposed the current situation of manufacturing and selling fake bags in Baoding Baigou Wholesale Market, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens. In the video, there are all kinds of big-name bags piled on the ground. The blogger also said that LV can only be regarded as a real bag here, and there are all kinds of big-name bags with completely different faces. Is it enough to change a letter here? Confuse the real with the fake? . As long as there is a little difference, it doesn't count? High imitation? Count? Original? . And what's really not bad in design and letters is called here? Original bag? . And in terms of price? Chanel? For example, some colors and styles are within 100. Besides bags, what about belts of major brands? A dazzling array? . Some netizens who have been to Baoding Baigou said that the status quo exposed by bloggers does exist. Locals get a LV? Some netizens said that such a low price can be bought? Brand bag? Even a little tempted, want to buy.

Baoding Baigou Wholesale Market produces and sells fake bags. Can these fake bags identify themselves? What I bought was genuine, and what my friend bought was imitation. There is really no big difference when I compare them, so I occasionally buy a 100+200 backpack online to play. Usually I can identify a fake bag myself. Mainly depends on the logo, the color depth and the taste of the bag. You must go to the counter to buy genuine products, and the purchasing is also fake.

Because there are still many people selling fakes in the market now, because it is really expensive and most people can't afford it, and then they buy fakes for vanity. Everyone should know about Xiao ck. Small brands and some unscrupulous merchants take this opportunity to make factory goods. Obviously, it's fake at first glance, and the easiest thing to distinguish between true and false is the outer packaging. The bag bought by the counter is only a handbag, but there is no packing box. Not only that, but also the chain. The chain bought by the counter will not rust for about three years, but will rust after half a year.

The identification of LV bags is that the genuine shoulder straps are thick, and you can smell it when you hear the smell of this brand of bags. If it smells bad, it must be fake. There is also a red oil edge, which feels like painted lip glaze, but it really looks like matte lip glaze. This is the most obvious and the best judgment.