Prepare materials
Low gluten flour 125g, butter 55g, egg liquid 25g, brown sugar 50g (remember to sieve), cocoa powder 7g. Sieve the brown sugar first, and then weigh it for later use.
Make primary color dough
Soften butter at room temperature and beat with electric egg beater until it swells. Add brown sugar powder, beat evenly at low speed, and then beat fluffy at medium speed. Add the beaten egg mixture several times, and beat it evenly in electric egg beater. Add all the low-gluten flour and stir evenly with a rubber scraper to make the primary color dough.
Make cocoa dough
Take half of the dough, add appropriate amount of cocoa powder, and grab it evenly to make cocoa dough.
Make the shape of a bear
Knead the dough into long strips and cut it into small pieces. The dough was twisted into a circle as a bear's head. Then rub it into ears, nose, eyes, etc. Then stick it on your face.
Bake BearBiscuit.
Heat up and down 175 degrees, bake for 13 minutes, and the bottom is slightly yellow.
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