British Airways?
2? 1 180 1?
"God save the Queen"? God save the king?
5884? 49 18290506? 169(200 1)? 6066
(London) 7 18? 8200 17? 1322? 1? 262006? four
4329? 3? 2622 (Greater London) 32? (London districts)? 1 (London City)? 12
1926? 4? 2 1? 6? 1 1
:? eight
? 24.36? 13.04? 7.88? 2.08 1.36? 1 1450? 354? 346396? 32 10 1? 4? 77? 13? 17 1000? 2000? Eight hundred
1? 5? 7? 2008298 10 16 1042? 1066 12 15 1338 1453 ? 1588? 1588? 160380? 1640 1649? 1? 30 1649? 5? 19? 1660 1688 1588 1688
1707? 1763 1687? 1727 180 1? 18 19 18 15? 19? 19 14? 1 1 1 1920 192 1 1922? 193 1 1947? 60? 1973? 1?
12 15? 1679 1689? 19 1 1? 1949? 1999? 1 192? 6005 ? 10? ?
1 labor party190019061945? 195 1 1964? 1970 1974? 1979 1997200 1? 6402? Conservative Party):? 1679 1833? 1979? 1997? 420? 1997? 5200 1? 6 30? 3 (Liberal Democratic Party)? 1988? 3 10? Scottish National Party? (check Cymru)? (Ulster United Party) (democratic unionist party)? (Social Democracy and Labour Party) (Sinn Fein Party)
20026077.563? 274670? 12260? 380002600
17? 1997? 5? 3? 6? 9? 12? 15? 22?
2004? 7? 2 1? 20? 56? 10? 954? 245? 372004? 2005? 2972007? 2008? 334
5? 16 1998? 19994? 9? ? ?
13507000? 3? 1? 1850? 2? 1868? Dad? Dad? Dad? PA4? 3? AFX 12? BBC network radio 19225 1? 43(? ) ? BBCTelevision 1936? BBC 1BBC2? 5 (Radio Authority) (Independent Television Commission)? ITV? ITV? 195524? 1997? 3? British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
1? 12? 2526? 12? 26?
2 1? 1?
33? four
2? ?
4 Antri?
The fourth note of the major scale
9? 5?
1 1?
1.? ,? ,? ,? ()
2. 1996
3.? 2006? 7? 6? 20 12?