2, find enjoyment in the * * * group: small plug-in-automatically get the equipment code-the final version. Unzip the file to the game directory.
3. After the data file is overwritten, mod is checked. Usually, you can use the console command player. AdditemXXXXXXXXX1to get the data file. Usually, the code is in the post you download.
4. The player creates the code +console+player. additem+space+ item code+number through the code (generally 1). There are exceptions to this code, and some authors of MOD versions will give their own codes.
5. Enter "~" to enter the console, and then enter "player". AdditemXXyyyy 1 ",where xx stands for serial number and is the serial number of loading MOD, which is 16. YYYYYY stands for project code. Generally, the TXT text in the compressed package of MOD will be indicated. Otherwise it will be forged in the blacksmith's shop.