Here is a hint about this shortcut key. For example, enter "OfficeStudy" in cell A 1, divide "Office" and "Study" into two lines, and then enter the formula "=A 1" in another cell such as C 1. You can see that the contents in C 1 are not divided into two lines:
Excel just leaves a space between "Excel" and "Skill". If you need to divide the cell of C 1 into two lines like the cell of A 1, just set the cell format of C 1 to "word wrap". In fact, when we use Alt+Enter to wrap a line in a cell, the cell format is automatically set to "wrap".
2. Repeat the last command or operation.
This function is the same as the shortcut key F4 or Ctrl+Y, and the last operation can be repeated. For example, after inserting a row in Excel, pressing Alt+Enter will continue to insert the row.