It's not worth it. The clothes quality of the Marmot Groundhog is not generally poor, it is simply very rough. I have personal experience. The clothes of Marmot Groundhog are not generally poor. They are very rough. There are too many fakes of groundhog brand clothes now. I bought a pair of marmot Groundhog outdoor shorts at marmot Groundhog outdoor flagship store. After receiving the goods, I opened the package and found a pungent smell. After washing, the color faded badly and the water was black and red. After drying, I found that the running line at the trouser leg was broken, and some of them did not run on the line. I contacted the merchant and asked to return to the factory. The merchant replied: I sent the pants to the place he designated, and they arranged for maintenance. The quality problem of this product is serious, and the possibility of being a fake is not ruled out.
Moreover, several outdoor professional players of Baidu Post Bar explained that they asked several Taobao sellers, and several Taobao sellers said that the agency contract of Beijing Ruiji Longfeng Groundhog had already expired. At present, some outdoor clothes on Tmall JD.COM are made by domestic manufacturers. In the future, woodchucks will be Korean models with brand rights, and will occasionally sell American products, but most of them are designed and produced by domestic manufacturers.
Therefore, it is suggested that people who want to buy sportswear in Tmall JD.COM Marmot Groundhog outdoor flagship store must be cautious, and be careful not to buy fakes or high imitation goods. .