1 Chapter 1 Circus (Fantasy Circus) Background Music: Breakthrough (to the other side)-Singer: TheDoors (album: TheDoors)
2. Chapter 2 dangerous liaisons: Diamonds-Singer: Rihanna (album: Diamonds)
3. Chapter 3 calendar girls: Lockedoutofthheaven-Singer: Bruno Mas (album: unorthodox jukebox)
4.AsLongAsYouLoveMe- Singer: JustinBieber (album: AsLongAsYouLoveMe)
5.PinkBall trailer: Broken Heart-Singer: Singing Tour Orchestra (album: Broken Heart)
6. Chapter 4 pink ball:- Singer: JustinBieber;; NickiMinaj (album: BeautyandaBeat)
7. Interview with Angel Dating: Good Times-Singer: OwlCity (Album: Good Times)
8. Chapter V Silverscreen Angel: Young Girl-Singer: Bruno Mas (album: unorthodox jukebox)
9. Chapter 6 Angel Flower: Phreshoutherunway- Singer: Rihanna (Album: Apologize)
10, finale (closing): feeling love-singer: John Newman (album: feeling love)