One is to rent clothes, which are very shiny. It is best for girls to be tight-fitting, and the waist and buttocks must be prominent. Clothes should have sequins. For boys, it is still loose.
Generally speaking, it must be exaggerated and conspicuous. There are also girls who want to highlight their eyes, smoke or apply shiny and warm eye shadow to their entire eyelids. For boys, just put on some foundation, don't exaggerate. Boys can bring some rough jewelry or necklaces. Girls had better wear a waist chain. Girls' long hair can be combed into cannons. Boys' hair can be sprayed silver or blue. Attention, local spray.
What style is your music? Clothes should match the music, or I'll talk so much for nothing.
Oh, the rhythm is just right, and it must be clean and tidy!
May you shine at the New Year's Day party! !