In The Longest Day, a hit in Chang 'an, from the first episode to now, four women have appeared frequently in the play, namely Tan Qi, Yu Chang, Wang Yixiu and Wen Ran. Among these four women, Tan Qi, Yu Chang and Wang Yixiu are basically disguised as women. In the Tang Dynasty, it was very normal for women to wear men's clothes. There are some murals in the Tang Dynasty, in which the images of waitresses dressed in men's clothes appear, but their clothes are obviously different from those of men. Please click to enter a picture description.
In the Tang Dynasty, men were naked without hoes, so in many Tang Dynasty murals, women also wore hoes when they wore men's clothes, but they wore ordinary women's shoes, not boots. But now, in some murals, although women wear round neck robes, they will show their buns and have no hoes. In The Longest Day in Chang 'an, Tan Qi and Wang Yunxiu are dressed like this. Please click to enter a picture description.
The social atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was very open and tolerant of all kinds of cultures. In addition, Wu Zetian became the emperor as a woman, and the status of women is getting higher and higher. They don't want to be limited by women's complicated clothes. Men's clothes are simpler, so it's not surprising that women walk in the street wearing men's clothes. Skirt is one of the most common and distinctive costumes of fairies in Tang Dynasty. Yan is even more convinced, with long sleeves up and down and short, only reaching the waist. Long skirts are women's dresses in the Tang Dynasty, and the fabrics are mostly silk. The skirt has a high waist, which can cover the chest, and a gauze shirt over the shoulder can make the upper body skin half covered and half covered, which has a vague aesthetic feeling.