Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Clothing company - WindowsXP system cannot open programs and files. Why did the master come back soon?
WindowsXP system cannot open programs and files. Why did the master come back soon?
Head guarantee is a problem related to documents, yes.

If you haven't modified these, I suggest you kill the virus first, which is probably caused by the virus.

If there is no virus or you make a mistake, then you can modify the file association.

Press F8 before booting the system into safe mode on the command line.

Then enter the following command

assoc。 exe=exefile

Then restart.

Responder: lgyzero- magician level 5 7- 12 14:42

This operation is correct, and you can also modify it in the folder options in the control panel.

In addition, the way to add more associated files.

323 = h323 file

. 386=vxdfile

. 3g2=RealPlayer.3GPP2. 10

. 3gp = real player . 3gpp _ AMR . 10

. 7z=WinRAR

. Aca = agent. Personality 2

. ace=WinRAR

. Acf = proxy. Personality 2

. acff=FanFanQi。 history

. Acg = agent. Preview.2

. acl=ACLFile

. acmf=ArmyChess。 history

. Acs = proxy. Personality 2.2

. acw=acwfile

. Ade = access. ADEFile.9

. Adn = access. BlankProjectTemplate.9

. Adp = access. Item 9

. ai=

. aif=RealPlayerAIFF.6

. aifc=AIFFFile

. aiff=RealPlayerAIFF.6

. ais=ACDSee。 AdvancedInformationSheet

. amr=RealPlayerAMR 10

. ani=ACDSee。 Rhinoceros cuckoo

. aps=

. arj=WinRAR

. asa=aspfile

. ascx=

. asd=Asf。 Real time encoder

. asf=ASFFile

. asm=

. asmx=

. asp=aspfile

. aspx=

. asx=ASXFile

. au=RealPlayerAU.6

. avi=RealPlayer。 AVI.6

. aw=AWFile

. awb=RealPlayerAMR_WB. 10

. bat=batfile

. Bfc = briefcase

. bin=

. bkf=msbackupfile

. Blg = performance file

. bmp=ACDSee。 The extension of the Bitmap file (bitmap)

. bsc=

. BW=ACDSee。 Band Width

. bz=WinRAR

. bz2=WinRAR

. c=

. cab=WinRAR

. camv=RealPlayer。 CAMV. 1

. cat=CATFile

. cbl=CCBridge。 document

. cda=RealJukebox。 CDA. 1

. Cdf = channel file

. cdx=aspfile

. cer=CERFile

. cfc=CFC。 parcel

. cgm=

. Cha = chat file

. Chat = Chat file

. che=ChnChess。 document

. chk=chkfile

. chm=chm.file

. cil=ClipGalleryDownloadPackage

. Cip = scene. parcel

. clp=clpfile

. cmd=cmdfile

. cnf=ConferenceLink

. col=COLFile

. com=comfile

. cpl=cplfile

. cpp=

. crl=CRLFile

. crt=CERFile

. css=CSSfile

. csv=Excel。 Combat support vehicle

. cur=ACDSee。 scoundrel

. cxx=

. Date =

. db=dbfile

. dbg=

. dct=


. Ddz = Landlord. document

. Definition =

. der=CERFile

. desk link = CLSID \ { 9 e 56 be 6 1-C50F- 1 1CF-9A2C-00 a0c 90 a 90 ce }

. dib=ACDSee。 Gently pull the bait up and down on the water.

. dic=txtfile

. dif=Excel。 DIF

. divx=RealPlayerDIVX.6

. diz=

. dll=dllfile

. dl_=

. doc=Word。 Documentation. 8

. dochtml=wordhtmlfile

. dos=

. Point = word. Template 8

. dothtml=wordhtmltemplate

. dqy=dqyfile

. drv=drvfile


. dun=dunfile

. dvr-ms=WMP。 DVR-MSFile

. Emotion. parcel

. elm=ELMFile

. emf=ACDSee。 electromotive force (EMF)

. Eml=Microsoft Internet mail message

. eps=

. eupd=PWUpdatePack

. exc=txtfile

. exe=exefile

. exp=

. ex_=

. eyb=

. ffa=FFAFile

. ffl=FFLFile

. fft=FFTFile

. ffx=FFXFile

. fif=

. fnd=fndfile

. fnt=

. fon=fonfile

. fphtml=fphtmlfile

. fpweb=fpdbw

. FPX=ACDSee。 FPX(FunPlusPhoenix) e-sports club

. Frg = access. fragment

. Gbf = five. document

. gfi=GraphicsLink。 document

. gfx=GraphicsLink。 document

. ghi=

. gif=ACDSee。 GIF format

. gim=GraphicsLink。 document

. gix=GraphicsLink。 document

. gls=GlobalLink.gls

. gna=GraphicsLink。 document

. gnx=GraphicsLink。 document

. gra=MSGraph。 Chart 8

. grp=MSProgramGroup

. gsg=

. gst=MSMap。 Data Institute 8

. gwx=GraphicsLink。 document

. gwz=GraphicsLink。 document

. gz=WinRAR

. h=

. hhc=

. hlp=hlpfile

. Hoe = hoe. document

. hpp=

. hqx=

. ht=htfile

. hta=htafile

. htc=

. htm=htmlfile

. html=htmlfile

. htt=HTTfile

. htw=

. htx=htxfile

. hxx=

. icc=icmfile

. icm=icmfile

. ico=ACDSee。 icon

. idb=

. idc=idcfile

. idl=

. idq=

. IFF=ACDSee。 Identification Friend or Foe (identification friend or foe)

. Iii = iii file


. ilk=

. imc=

. inc=

. inf=inffile

. ini=inifile

. Ins = x-internet- registration

. INT=ACDSee。 Internationalorganizations (same as international organizations)


. Inventory =

. inx=

. in_=

. iqy=iqyfile

. iso=WinRAR

. ISP = x-internet- registration

. Its = its file

. IVF=IVFfile

. jar=jarfile

. java=

. jbf=

. jfif=ACDSee。 JFIF

. JIF=ACDSee。 Zhifu

. jnlp=JNLPFile

. Job = Job Object

. Jod = Microsoft. Jet.OLEDB.4.0

. jpe=ACDSee。 JPE

. jpeg=ACDSee。 Joint image expert group

. jpg=ACDSee。 The file extension of encoded image stored in jpeg file exchange format.

. jqb=JunQiB

. jqbz=ArmyChess。 BZ

. jqf=JunQiF

. js=JSFile



. key=regfile

. Kip = skin. parcel

. Emulsion =

. LBM=ACDSee。 Pound mass

. Ldb = access. Lock file. 9

. lex=LEXFile

. lha=WinRAR

. lib=

. lnk=lnkfile

. Local =

. log=txtfile

. Lst = mollen

. lwv=LWVFile

. lzh=WinRAR

. m 14=

. m 1v=RealPlayer。 MPEG.6

. m2v=RealPlayerMPEG.6

. m3u=RealPlayer。 MP3PL.6

. m4a=RealPlayer。 M4A.6

. m4e=RealPlayer。 MP4.6

. Mad = access. Shortcut. Module. 1

. Maf = access. Shortcut. Form. 1

. mag=ACDSee。 magazine

. Mam = access. Shortcut. Macro. 1

. Man =

. List =

. mapi mail = CLSID \ { 9 e 56 be 60-C50F- 1 1CF-9A2C-00 a 0 c 90 a 90 ce }

. Maq = access. Shortcut. Query. 1

. Mar = visit. Shortcut. Report. 1

. Mas = access. Shortcut. StoredProcedure. 1

. Mat = access. Shortcut. Table. 1

. Mav = access. Shortcut. View. 1

. Maw = access. Shortcut. DataAccessPage. 1

. MBC = mimio. Republic of the Philippines

. Mda = access. Extension .9

. Mdb = access. application program

. mdbhtml=accesshtmlfile

. Mde = access. MDEFile.9

. Mdn = access. BlankDatabaseTemplate.9

. Mdt = access. WizardDataFile.9

. Mdw = access. Working group 9

. Mdz = access. DatabaseWizardTemplate.9

. mfp=MacromediaFlashPaper。 MacromediaFlashPaper

. mht=mhtmlfile

. mhtml=mhtmlfile

. mid=LiveUpdateMIDI.6

. midi=LiveUpdateMIDI.6

. Mmc = Media Directory

. mmf=

. mmm=MPlayer

. mov=RealPlayer.qt.6

. Movie =

. mp 1=RealPlayer。 MP 1.6

. mp2=RealPlayer。 MP2.6

. mp2v=mpegfile

. mp3=RealPlayer。 MP3.6

. mp4=RealPlayer。 MP4.6

. Mpa = real player. MPA.6

. mpe=RealPlayer。 MPEG.6

. mpeg=DBC。 MPEG. 1

. mpg=DBC。 MPEG. 1

. mpga=RealPlayer。 MPGA.6

. mps=RealPlayer。 MPEG.6

. mpv=DBC。 MPEG. 1

. mpv2=mpegfile

. msc=MSCFile

. Message =

. msi=Msi。 parcel

. msp=Msi。 mend

. MsRcIncident=MsRcIncident

. msstyles=msstylesfile

. MSWMM=Windows。 film-maker

. mv=

. my docs = CLSID \ { ECF 03 a 32- 103d- 1 1 D2-854d-006008059367 }

. ncb=

. nfo=MSInfo。 document

. nls=

. NMW = t 126 _ whiteboard

. nsc=

. nvr=

. Nws=Microsoft Internet News Mail

. Obd = office. loose-leaf binder

. obj=

. Obt = office. Binders. templates

. Obz = office. A binder. guide

. ocx=ocxfile

. oc_=

. odc=

. opc=OPCFile

. opx=OrgPlusWOPX.4

. oqy=oqyfile

. otf=otffile

. p 10 = p 10 file.

. p 12=PFXFile

. p7b=SPCFile

P7c = certificate _ wab _ automatic _ file

. p7m=P7MFile

. p7r=SPCFile

P7s = p7s file

. pbk=pbkfile


. PCB = PCB file

. pcd=ACDSee。 Pitch diameter of pitchcirclediameter

. pch=

. PCT=ACDSee。 Primary health care trust

. pcx=ACDSee。 Podocyte marker protein

. pdb=

. pds=

. pfm=pfmfile

. pfx=PFXFile

. PGM=ACDSee。 Precision-guidedmunition precision guided weapon

. php3=

. pic=ACDSee。 film

. PICT=ACDSee。 Picts

. pif=piffile

. pip=PIPFile

. PIX=ACDSee。 picture

. pko=PKOFile

. pl=

. plg=

. pls=RealPlayer。 PLSPL.6

. Pma = performance file

. Pmc = performance file

. Pml = performance file

. Pmr = performance file

. Pmw = performance file

. pnf=pnffile

. png=ACDSee。 PNG

. pot=PowerPoint。 Template 8

. pothtml=powerpointhtmltemplate

. ppa=PowerPoint。 Annex 8

. PPM=ACDSee。 parts per million

. pps=PowerPoint。 Slide show. eight

. ppt=PowerPoint。 Show 8

. ppthtml=powerpointhtmlfile

. prf=prffile

. ps=

. psd=ACDSee。 (same as preshipmentdocument) Shipping file

. psw=PSWFile

. pwz=PowerPoint。 Guide. 8

. Pys = pick up girls. document

. qds=SavedDsQuery

. qt=RealPlayer.qt.6

. r00=WinRAR

. r0 1=WinRAR

. r02=WinRAR

. r03=WinRAR

. r04=WinRAR

. r05=WinRAR

. r06=WinRAR

. r07=WinRAR

. r08=WinRAR

. r09=WinRAR

. r 10=WinRAR

. r 1 1=WinRAR

. r 12=WinRAR

. r 13=WinRAR

. r 14=WinRAR

. r 15=WinRAR

. r 16=WinRAR

. r 17=WinRAR

. r 18=WinRAR

. r 19=WinRAR

. r20=WinRAR

. r2 1=WinRAR

. r22=WinRAR

. r23=WinRAR

. r24=WinRAR

. r25=WinRAR

. r26=WinRAR

. r27=WinRAR

. r28=WinRAR

. r29=WinRAR

. ra=RealPlayer。 RA.6

. ram=RealPlayer。 RAM.6

. rar=WinRAR

. RAS=ACDSee。 renin angiotensin system

. rat=ratfile

. rax=RealPlayerRAX.6

. rc=

. RDP=RDP。 document

. rec=QQGame。 Puzzle Bobble

. reg=regfile

. res=

. rev=WinRAR。 Engine rotation



. rjs=RealJukebox。 RJS. 1

. rjt=RealJukebox。 RJT. 1

. rle=ACDSee。 RLE

. rm=RealPlayerRM.6

. rmi=LiveUpdateMIDI.6

. rmj=RealJukebox。 rmj 1

. rmm=RealPlayerRAM.6

. rmp=RealJukebox。 RMP 1

. Rms=RealPlayer rms value 6

. rmvb=RealPlayer。 RMVB.6

. rmx=RealJukebox。 RMX. 1

. rnk=rnkfile

. rnx=RealPlayerRP.6

. Rp=RealPlayer figure 6

. rpc=

. rpl=RealPlayerRPL.6

. rpm=

. rqy=rqyfile

. rsml=RealPlayerRSML.6

. rsp=

. rt=RealPlayerRT.6

. rtf=Word。 RTF.8

. rv=RealPlayer。 Volume VI

. rvx=RealPlayerRVX.6

. sam=

. sbf=sdouble。 document

. sbr=

. sc2=

. scf=SHCmdFile

. scp=txtfile

. scr=scrfile

. sct=scriptletfile

. sdb=appfixfile

. sdp=RealPlayer。 SDP.6

. sed=

. SGI=ACDSee。 American graphic workstation manufacturer

. shb=DocShortcut

. Shs = shell waste

. shtml=

. shw=

. sit=

. SKY=nTriad。 document

. slk=Excel。 SLK

. sll=SSLFile

. smi=RealPlayer。 Smile 6

. smil=RealPlayer。 Smile 6

. snd=AUFile

. Snp = snapshot file

. sol=

. sor=

. spc=SPCFile

. spl = ShockwaveFlash。 Shock wave flash

. sql=

. sr_=

. ssm=SSM

. Sst = certificate reference document

. stf=STFFile

. stl=STLFile

. stm=

. swf = ShockwaveFlash。 Shock wave flash

. sym=

. sys=sysfile

. sy_=

. tar=WinRAR

. taz=WinRAR

. tbz=WinRAR

. tbz2=WinRAR

. Text =

. TGA=ACDSee。 thermogravimetry

. tgz=WinRAR

. Theme = theme file

. tif=ACDSee。 Label image file format.

. tiff=ACDSee。 disagree

. tlb=

. tsp=

. tsv=

. ttc=ttcfile

. ttf=ttffile

. tuw=TUWFile

. tvp=nView。 outline

. txt=txtfile


. uip=SUPERBAG。 parcel

. uls=ulsfile

. url=InternetShortcut

. uu=WinRAR

. uue=WinRAR


. vbs=VBSFile

. vbx=

. Vcf = vcard _ wab _ automatic file

. Vs = vice. document

. vxd=vxdfile

. Wab = wab _ automatic file

. wav=RealPlayer。 WAV.6

. wax=RealPlayer.wax.6

. wb2=

. wbk=Word。 Backup. eight

. webpnp=webpnpFile

. WHT = whiteboard

. wiz=Word。 Guide. 8

. wizhtml=accessthmltemplate

. wk4=

. wll=Word。 Annex 8

. wlt=

. wm=RealPlayer.wm.6

. wma=RealJukebox.wma. 1

. wmd=WMDFile


. wmf=ACDSee。 Windows metafile format.

. wmp=

. wms=WMSFile

. wmv=RealPlayer.wmv.6

. wmx=RealPlayer.wmx.6

. wmz=WMZFile

. wpd=

. wpg=

. wpl=WPLFile

. wri=wrifile

. wsc=scriptletfile



. wsz=

. wtx=txtfile

. wvx=RealPlayer.wvx.6

. x=

. xbm=ACDSee。 XBM


. xix=

. xla=Excel。 additional item

. xlb=Excel。 Table 8

. xlc=Excel。 Chart 8

. xld=Excel。 conversation

. xlk=Excel。 support

. xll=Excel。 XLL

. xlm=Excel。 Macro page

. xls=Excel。 Table 8

. xlshtml=Excelhtmlfile

. xlt=Excel。 template

. xlthtml=Excelhtmltemplate

. xlv=Excel。 VBA module

. xlw=Excel。 work space

. xml=xmlfile

. xpl=RealPlayerPLSPL.6


. xsl=xslfile

. xxe=WinRAR

. ymg=YPager。 Messenger; messenger

. yps=YPager。 Messenger; messenger

. z=WinRAR

. z96=

. zap=zapfile

. ZFSendToTarget = CLSID \ { 888 DCA 60-FC0A- 1 1CF-8F0F-00 c 04 FD 7d 062 }

. Zip = compressed folder