Artificial leather and synthetic leather are important products in the plastic industry. In the past, people called PVC coated leather artificial leather and PU coated leather synthetic leather. Later, leather based on nonwovens was called synthetic leather, PU leather based on nonwovens was called PU synthetic leather, PU leather based on general woven or knitted fabrics was called PU artificial leather, and leather coated with PVC was generally called PVC artificial leather. Because the name is not standardized, the classification of enterprises is more casual. China Plastics Processing Industry Association recently decided that artificial leather and synthetic leather are collectively referred to as artificial leather. However, the title of artificial leather is used to represent Japan's high-quality synthetic leather. Refers to the relatively high-grade synthetic leather based on PU wet coating and non-woven fabric. China uses artificial leather to represent artificial leather and synthetic leather, which is somewhat contradictory to the definition adopted internationally.