Don't choose fancy clothes, so students should also wear some simple clothes, which is also good. Students are also in school, so they can't wear some fancy clothes. This also hopes that every student can pay special attention and must choose some simple clothes. Try to wear jeans when you wear them, which will make you feel particularly comfortable.
Students' clothes are simpler, so students must pay special attention to their own clothes and never wear fancy clothes. Everyone also thinks that fancy clothes are not suitable for students and will be deeply criticized by many teachers. Therefore, every student should also pay attention to the collocation of clothes, which is also very important. I hope students can wear some casual clothes, which will also make everyone feel good. Many people also think that students should wear simple clothes, which will make them feel comfortable.
Students should wear sweaters and jeans, so students should also choose sweaters and jeans. This kind of dress is more classic. Many people also think that this kind of dress will never go out of fashion, so everyone feels particularly good. I also hope that everyone can pay special attention to this, so as to bring better performance. Otherwise, it will be deeply educated by many teachers and make students feel uncomfortable.