Maximum value of money
Highest HP9999
0200 1d90:270f
Maximum TP
0200 1d92:270f
Attack power 999
0200 1d94:03e7
Defence force 999
0200 1d96:03e7
Highest HP9999
0200 1d9c:270f
Maximum TP9999
0200 1d9e:270f
Attack power 999
0200 1da0:03e7
Defence force 999
0200 1da2:03e7 clothing maze 3 gold finger
Currency 02002758
The first prop 02002900:xx (0 1-7A)
Total number of props
420029 10 FFFF
0000003E 000 1
The level is fully open 02002720: 14.
Full encounter illustration
42002760 FFFF
000000 14 000 1
A comprehensive investigation shows that
4200277A FFFF
000000 14 000 1
All clothes
42002796 FFFF
0000000C 000 1
82002794 FCFF
Full-character illustration
420027A 1 FFFF
00000006 000 1
Complete character
420027AC FFFF
00000006 000 1
Character 1
Hp 02002C82:270F
MAXHP 02002C84:270F
TP 02002C86:270F
MAXTP 02002C88:270F
Full capacity
02002 C2C:270 f270f
EXP 02002C94:270F
LV 02002C9D:63
20h↓ Want to drop
Full horsepower
42002C82 270F
00000029 0020
maximum horsepower
42002C84 270F
00000029 0020
Complete TP
42002C86 270F
00000029 0020
Complete MAXTP
42002C88 270F
00000029 0020
The full capacity of all staff.
42002C8A 270F
00000029 0020
42002C8C 270F
00000029 0020
42002C8E 270F
00000029 0020
42002C90 270F
00000029 0020
Complete EXP
42002C94 270F
00000029 0020
Total low pressure
42002C9C 6300
00000029 0020
In battle
Number of rounds 0200C720:0 1
Leading role team
Abscissa 0200C76 1:xx
Ordinate 0200C765:xx
Second group
Abscissa 0200C7A9:xx
Ordinate 0200C7AD:xx
Third group
Abscissa 0200C7F 1:xx
Ordinate 0200C7F5:xx
Fourth group
Abscissa 0200C839:xx
Ordinate 0200C83D:xx
Team flight state
Team 1 0200C76C:09
The second group 0200C7B4:09
The third group 0200C7FC:09
The fourth group 0200C844:09
Team moving distance increased.
Team 1 0200C774:63
The second team 0200C7BC:63
The third group 0200C804:63
The fourth group 0200C84C:63